Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Lost: "One of Them" Preview

Real quick before I get into a short preview for tonights episode, I was doing some reading and it never really occured to me that Vincent (Walt's dog) is always around when something bad happens. I just never really noticed it. I saw him come out of the brush right before Charlie attacked Sun, but never really noticed that he was around whenever their was trouble. That's just something else that we can all watch for.

Tonight, Danielle Rousseau returns to lead Sayid to a mysterious captive in the jungle. They do not know if he is one of the "others" or not, but Sayid is going to use his own powers of persuasion to find out. We will also get a little bit more on Sayid though his flashbacks. Hurley does something that could have devistating effects and Sawyer uses the info to blackmail Hurley into helping him hunt an island creature. In the preview it looked like they may let the timer in the hatch expire, but the clock looks different. They may have slipped in another dream sequence like they did that time with Jin.

The show clips are up now on AOL. Here's a link if you want to check them out:

One more thing, for those who have just joined the Lost revolution this season, you will be able to watch the very first episode of season one next week (Feb. 22, 2006). It's another damn re-run. I know they have actor and production schedules to work around, but I want more new episodes.

I'll be back tomorrow.


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