Wednesday, November 16, 2005

LOST "Abandoned" and "The Other 48 Days"

Ya hear that? That's the sound of me reeling myself back in. I haven't really weighed in on "Abandoned" because I wasn't taking things for what they were. Like the millions of LOST conspiracy theorists across the country (world, even), I too have fallen victim to the show. After reading many different forum posts, listening to the official podcast, and reading a ton of news reports, I have come to the unfortunate realization that Shannon really is dead. Even though the writers/producers have mislead us before (i.e. Jin speaking English in a show promo turned out to be only in Hurly's dream sequence) and there is so much symbolism in the show, "what-you-see-is-what-you-get" in this episode. ALTHOUGH, I am still not convinced that Anna shot Shannon. The way they set up the scenes, you never see Anna in the same scene with Shannon and Sayid... you only see an arm. It could have been anyone's arm. Uh oh, here I go again. Let me pull myself together.

LOST is such a fun show to watch and analyze. I can't wait to see how it all ends and how everything will finally come together. I wonder when that will be? "The Other 48 Days" airs tonight and we will find out what happened to the tailies, and what Anna meant by "They" TOOK three and then TOOK nine more. She never they were killed, just that they were taken. I'm curious as to what that means. Brainwashing? Re-programming? Hmmmmmm.

I didn't see any clips posted on the AOL site for "The Other 48 Days," but I have a few other links to post:

USA Today Article on Michelle Rodriguez
(If it asks for any kind of User Name/Password, try: Bug Me Not)

The Official Lost Podcast


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