Wednesday, April 12, 2006

LOST "S.O.S." Airdate: April 12, 2006

Once again, if your Tivo cut out early, you may have missed the somewhat surprising ending. In what has become the traditional style of the show, we were privey to a bunch of goodies. Not only did Michael finally return, but, if you watched the promo for the next LOST (which will not air until May 3rd), Michael tells them that the Others are barely armed and he can lead them back to where they are. Get ready for Jack and Anna's war. But I digress. I'm getting ahead of myself.

In this Bernard/Rose-centric episode we learn some new things... important things. And, as always, the little that they give us spawns even more questions. The most important piece of information we get comes from what the faith healer, Isaac, says to Rose in the flashback:

"There are certain places with great energy. Spots on earth, like the one we're above now. Perhaps this energy is geological...magnetic? Or perhaps it's something else? And when possible, I harness this energy, and give it to others."

So, the island is one of these places? An energetic hotspot. It (I refer to the island now as if it is a living being) has already healed Locke, Jin, and now Rose. I'm still sticking with the belief that Sun had an affair with her English teacher until told otherwise, so maybe Jin wasn't healed. That's to be seen. We do know from past episodes that there is a huge magnetic presence in the hatch. Remember the key on the necklace?

I'm not sure if this is important or not, but I caught two different spellings of Isaac's name on the bulletin board. The first spelling "Isaac" and the second "Issac." The first spelling "Isaac" could be either biblical or scientific.

Biblical Isaac: He was the son of Abraham. God ordered Abraham to sacrifice Isaac. Abraham was going through with the sacrifice when the Lord stopped him.It was a test of faith and obedience for both.

Scientific Isaac: Sir Isaac Newton is regarded as one of the most influential scientists in history. He was a physicist, mathematician, astronomer, alchemist, inventor, and natural philosopher. Astronomy! Hmmmmmmmm. Some posts that I have been reading suggest that astronomy may come into play when the Blast Door Map is futher explored.

Science and religion. Religion and science. The eternal battle between these two seems to be the main theme of this show.

As far as the other spelling, "Issac." It could easily be written off as a child's misspelling of the name. But, if you google "ISSAC," (and I did because I have no life) one of the results takes you to the International Symposium on Symbolic and Algebraic Computation. It's held in Genova, Italy this year in July. Ok, I reeeeaaaaallllyyyy have no life.

What else did we learn? Here's a short list:

1. Bernard never married and he was 56 when he met Rose. They dated for only 5 months before he proposed at Niagra Falls. They spent their honey moon in the outback of Australia where Rose went to the Faith Healer, Isaac.

2. Bernard is a dentist (did we already know that? I can't remember). He's also a type-A personality and a bit of a meglomaniac.

3. Hurley says he's on a fish and water diet. I've read some articles that he will be losing weight in upcoming episodes.

4. Henry Gale has a demented look of satisfaction on his face when he realizes that he finally got to Locke.

5. Sawyerism - "Here comes doctor giggles!" Sawyer is suprised when he learns that Jack also has a gun.

6. Charlie and Mr. Ecko ARE building a church. "People are saved in different ways," Ecko says to Bernard.

7. Songs: I'm not sure of the first song that was playing on the record player in the hatch, but the second one was "These Arms of Mine" by Otis Redding. From Wikipedia:
"Redding and six others were killed when the plane on which they were traveling crashed into Lake Monona in Madison, Wisconsin on December 10, 1967. Ben Cauley, one of the members of Redding's backup band, The Bar-Kays, was the only person aboard the plane to survive. He had been asleep until just seconds before impact, and recalled that upon waking he saw bandmate Phalon Jones look out a window and say, "Oh, no!" Cauley then unbuckled his seat belt, and that was his final recollection before finding himself in the frigid waters of the lake, grasping a seat cushion to keep himself afloat. The cause of the crash was never precisely determined."
Sorry! My short list is getting a little long.

8. Kate says," I'm sorry I kissed you [Jack]." "I'm not," replies Jack. They would have done the nasty right then and there, but Michael pops up and ruins the moment. To tell you the truth, I thought Sawyer was going to jump out of the brush with a "Hidyho there Freckles!" I was surprised to see Michael.

9. Kate tells Jack about the Medical Hatch. She let it slip that they Others were more sophisticated so they must be in one of Rousseau's traps.

10. The black rocks that Bernard wants to use on the S.O.S sign will get the maximum contrast on the white sand. Another Black/White, Yin/Yang reference maybe?

11. Back to Jack & Kate. The others didn't want her or Jack. Kate says they are "Damaged Goods!" Hmmmmmmmmm....

12. Jack seems to be a pretty good shot. Does he have a military/special forces background? I've brought it up before. There is a lot more to Jack that we will find out in season three if he survives the castastrophic events that are coming up in the season finale.

13. For those who might be thinking that Isaac, the faith healer, and the psychic that Claire goes to in season one are the same person. It's not. I've already checked. They did have the same reaction though. I wonder if we will ever get to see what they saw when they were reading them.

14. Locke/Rose connection. He is in the wheel chair at the airport waiting to board flight 815. He stops and picks up Rose's medicine. She knows he was in a wheel chair and that the island has healed him as well as herself.

What did I miss? Post and let me know. I'll see ya here in a few weeks when "Two For The Road" airs in May.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I saw it coming when Rose sat down next to Locke on the beach, and she said (paraphrasing) we both know you'll be healed before 4-6 weeks. I think she's the only one who knows that Locke was in the wheelchair at the airport. I told Tony she knew and then in the next scene she's dropping the pill bottle and he rides by.... I'm so f-ing smart.....I should have went to college.
Anyway, Dr. Giggles, what a funny one, one for the records huh?

The not-Henry is freaking me out for sure. I suspect he was sent there on a mission... not "accidently captured"

That's about it you covered everything I was thinking. Rose is healed just like Locke. The island is sooo magical.....
Leslie - Out!

4:36 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

One musing I had was about the idea that perhaps Locke is an Other. Some people do think he is, others don't. BUT, since he spent so much time and effort in trying to figure out the map, does that tell us that Locke is definitely NOT an Other???

Also, I was reminded on another Lost message board that mention was made of Neil "Frogurt" - by the producers on the Lost podcast. Remember Bernard mentioned the guy that used to own a frozen yogurt business - and that guy didn't stay to help him with the SOS stones setup? The producers in the podcast mentioned "Frogurt" as a character who we will see again, and who ends up being important in some way.

As I usually do in my own inimitable OCD way, I'll download this episode from iTunes and see if I notice anything else.

Some people think this was a "weak" episode - but I thought it was good.

And since we will be seeing reruns for a few more weeks - again, I wonder if the choices for reruns hold clues for the episode we just saw OR are going to see next. What ya think???


9:09 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Is it possible that fake-Henry really is 'The Man'? It occured to me that he could be observing first-hand the results of his scientific experment. If not, it may be possible that his 'no consequence' comment about the Zeke could at least support the old theory of multiple groups of others. What are your thoughts??

8:58 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

it was a good episode the one thing i started to relize though is that fake henry i thought for a while wanted to be there. but he was cought by the french chick not the our losties mabe he was sent on a recon but to get cought by her and exspect to end up there is a far reach when he could just go there as the others have before so im starting to feel he wasent supposed to be there but is gonna make the best of it (just a thought) as far as michael poping out of the jungle i tohught it was going to be the french ladys girl i was surpirsed

also as far as suns pregnacy goes i think that jin could have been healed but look at the time frame no booty since they crashed (assumeing ) no booty before he went on a boat ride cause they were fighting then he gets some when he gets back form the other side of the island so for her to have gotten pregnant on the island is a hard thing to squeeze in the time frame so im assumeing it had to be the english teacher for time reasons un less the island speeds the repoductve system up

12:18 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Do you have a screen capture of the two men in the "igloo" at the end. One of the men looked like Jack but with fake teeth and glasses.

1:49 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

anonymous said..

I just really started watching lost this season. I was thinking maybe they are trapped in the Bermuda Triangle? Two plane crashes, a hot air ballon, a sail boat? The fake Henry guy telling Michael the way out, but also telling him he would never be able to find his way in again? Maybe the magnetic field is the "Bermuda Triangle"? Did I just come up with a great idea or have yall already discussed this?

2:26 PM  

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