Thursday, May 04, 2006

LOST "Two For The Road" Airdate: May 3, 2006

I only have a few minutes this morning and I will do a more in depth entry later today... I just couldn't wait... Holy [expletive deleted]!!!! Holy [expletive deleted]!!! I can't [expletive deleted] believe it!!! It was back in February that Mike sent me an e-mail of the rumor that was circulating which said they were going to kill off Ana-Lucia. A few weeks later, I read a JJ Abrams article which spun the rumor. He said that they weren't going to kill her. I thought for sure they would wait until the finale to kill of anyone. What an episode!!! The promo for next week confirms that at least one of them is dead. It looked like Ana laying out on the floor. There was no mention of Libby in the promo and she is listed in the IMDB as being in the "?" episode. I read somewhere that Libby's alter-ego Cynthia Watros has accepted a starring role on another series so she will most likely be "killed-off."

What an ingenious plan! Michael shoots himself in the arm and Fake Henry escapes. It will look like Fake Henry killed Ana and shot Libby and Michael. Thus leaving Michael as the trusted infiltrator. So what do you think? Was he brainwashed? Or forced to carry out a mission in order to get his son back? I'll discuss everything more in depth a little bit later this morning.

Did you catch the Hanso Foundation commercial? I thought it was very slick that they snuck it into a real commercial break. I'm just glad I wasn't down stairs at the time digging through the freezer looking for the last fudgecicle (if that's how you even spell it). They have re-revamped the Hanso Foundation Website. There is a ton of Easter eggs on the site. I got the password yesterday by listening to the voice mailboxes boxes at a UK number. I didn't know they would give out an American phone number last night. I am still exploring the site and I will not give you the password. Have a little fun trying to find it and if you wear yourself out, e-mail me and I'll help you out. Just remember the name "Persephone." Here's the TV ad with the U.S. phone number.

I'll be back later this morning.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Did you catch Sawyer (James Ford) getting hit by the car door when Jack's dad opened it?? Jack's dad (is his name John, though he was calling himself Tom??) was talking to Ana Lucia in the car - I think when he was trying to talk her into go into the bar?? - and they were disagreeing. So, Jack's dad angrily (and drunkenly) flings open the car door - and hits Sawyer?? Sawyer yells something like "HEY!!" and something else - but definitely it's Sawyer's voice!! And the guy is dressed like Sawyer, and has Sawyer's hair.

What an amazing episode!! I'm definitely downloading it to re-watch.

Wonder who's really dead now? Ana Lucia or Libby?? And did Fake Henry escape??

I'm so tempted to just read all the theories on all the Lost boards, but I probably should work, huh?


9:00 AM  
Blogger Aaron said...

When Michael resurfaced late last week, I was thinking to myself (because I was sure no one would agree) that Michael became "one of them"...but I like Tripp's theory about him carrying out orders in order to get Walt back. Killing Ana Lucia & Libby (maybe) were just obstacles that stood in his way. He did seem to feel a little guilty before he shot Ana Lucia.

There was another theory that was advanced a few weeks ago...what if fake Henry actually IS the big man in charge? What if HE'S calling all the shots? What if fake-Henry was talking about himself last night to John..."He's a brilliant, man, but he's not a forgiving man." ... I'm keeping this little theory in my back pocket for now.

Okay, so the biggest shocker perhaps of the entire series was last night. We get that. But no one seems to be talking about what fake Henry said to John. Something about "I failed, John. I came for YOU.". Is this a sham? Is fake Henry trying to mess with Locke's bald head? I think fake henry is telling the truth here. Otherwise, what was to stop him from killing Locke when he had the chance (several chances, actually).

There is a lot of talk about being a "good person" by the others. Tripp, you've advanced this theory before about the others only wanting to get rid of people who are "good"...people who haven't killed anyone. Locke (to our knowledge) hasn't killed anyone...maybe they consider him a "good person". Although, that's a tough theory to back up. Why haven't they taken Kate? Sawyer? Jin? All of those have killed at least one person. Discuss.

If you look at today, they have pictures from what they're calling "the finale set" with shots of beaches with huts built on them...and what looks like it is the "main hatch"...perhaps where Mr. Hanso's office is. It's a hatch built in to a cliff with big double wooden doors. Wierd.

This show kicked in to high gear last night...I can't even imagine where they're going next....


10:26 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Re: Aaron's comments, I totally agree with thinking that fake Henry might actually be the man in charge. That came to me last night, too.

Who was the blond woman that Jack's dad was talking to? I didn't catch everything in their exchange. Was he wanting to see her or someone else? Do we know how Jack's dad died?

As soon as Michael appeared to Ana Lucia (right before she gave him the gun), I realized that he was different. He had been so weak before and suddenly, once she's alone, he's feeling just fine and is talking and getting the combination to where Henry is.

If Libby is dead, I guess this will continue to reassure Hurley that everyone he cares about is now cursed b/c of the numbers. Did anyone else catch the look on her face when he said that about remembering where he knew her from?

Aaron, you mentioned something about Jin killing someone. Who did he kill? I know he beat up that guy that gave him the dog, but I thought that was it. I didn't know that Jin actually killed someone. Did I miss that?

Last night was awesome! I can't wait to see how the season finishes. And, Tripp, I'm looking forward to reading your complete recap of last night!!

10:41 AM  
Blogger Aaron said...

Aaron, you mentioned something about Jin killing someone. Who did he kill? I know he beat up that guy that gave him the dog, but I thought that was it. I didn't know that Jin actually killed someone. Did I miss that?

I'm thinking it was the first season...way a Jin-sentric flashback, he came in to what looked like a hotel room, and ran to the bathroom... Sun goes in the bathroom to find Jin vigorously scrubbing blood off of his hands. Now I don't remember if he actually killed someone, or if he, as you said, just beat up that one guy. All this time, I assumed Jin was carrying out orders for Sun's father (kind of like a mafia hit man).

I could be way off on this though.

It raises the question...did Jack kill anyone? I know he was responsible for a death or two, but did actually MURDER anyone?

When Jack's dad went to see that woman (who had an australian accent), all I heard him say was something like "I have a right to see her, I'm her father!!". There's definitely more story there.

That bar that Jack's dad went in to...was that the same bar where he did shots with Sawyer? I'm guessing it probably is since we saw Sawyer in that flashback just before he went in to the bar (sans Ana Lucia).

Layers, man. Too many layers.

10:57 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I keep going back and forth with Jin. At first, like you said, due to the blood and his comments, I thought he killed people, mafia stuff, etc... But I remember in that scene when he beat the guy up, he grabbed him at the end and whispered to him, "I just saved your life" or something to that effect.

I wonder if that blond lady is Claire's mom?! Could be a coincidence (if there are any on this show), but a blond, middle aged lady could fit the bill to be Claire's mom, making Claire and Jack half brother/sister. I could be way out there, but a thought. I mean, Jack's wife was blond, too, and I'm not assuming that means anything. Now, I'm rambling like Tripp! I did hear Jack's dad say something like, "I pay the mortgage for this place," which means he was taking some kind of financial responsibility, whether court ordered or just going the right thing. Just thinking out loud again...

11:13 AM  
Blogger Aaron said...

Isn't it funny that you and I (whoever you are!) are having a conversation on Tripp's blog...and he hasn't chimed in yet!? HA!!

11:52 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm not sure if fake Henry is the man in charge. He seemed scared to go back as a failed man because he would be killed. Why would he be afraid of being killed by HIM if he is him? Of course, you can't really believe anything the Others say....

I am also in agreement that Jack's father was talking to Claire's mother. She was close to giving birth, which could be what spawned the impromptu visit from her estranged father. Everyone on that island is tied together somehow, and this could be Claire's tie to someone.

I don't think Ana Lucia is dead yet. I emailed Tripp earlier and told him that the time she spent with Jack's father in his final days will have some relevance to Jack, so they may choose to keep her around for a few more episodes. Due to the fact that the girl that plays Libby has a new sitcom starting in the fall, I'm pretty sure she's the one they refer to in the previews for next week as the dead one.

12:13 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

my thoughts on last nights awesome eppy....
a: i think it was claire's mom,
b: yes it was sawyer hit by the car door.
c: michael is now the trusted infiltrator like Tripp said, he was sent to make some sort of deal to get walt back
d: communication seems to be lacking ,is it because no one has a cell phone?
d1: Locke still hasn't told anyone about the blast door map, or if henry pushed the buttons or not....
d2: Kate just last night (last eppy) told Jack about the medical hatch. and nobody else...(jack is very combative, he's starting to bug me.)
d3: They never seem to ask the questions of Zeke, like who are you why are you here, we crashed here can you help us, we are in this hatch, we don't know anything about it but we're supposed to be saving the world..?urggh? all of this drama, and no one is asking the right questions.
e; did you see Libby's face when hurley said "yeah and if I get drunk enough maybe I'll remember where I know you from" her faced looked weird???? like she doesn't want to be found out...about her stay in the loo loo bin. he said "...when I broke my hip..." ha ha ha nice cover up dude...

3:10 PM  

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