Thursday, December 01, 2005

LOST "What Kate Did" Airdate: November 30, 2005

Wow! Where do I even start? First of all, What Kate Did totally made up for last weeks episode, even though I'm still peeved that we have to wait six weeks until the next new LOST. We now know what Kate did that sent her on the run, but let's start with the "kiss."

I knew the kiss was coming. I also knew that it was not Sawyer; and I had ruled out Charlie, even though he and Evangeline are dating in real life (at least I think they're still dating... I can't keep up with all of the Hollywood romances). Jack was the only logical choice. The kiss, as hot as it was, ended very awkwardly as Kate continued her downward spiral. I guess Jack backed down because he felt sorry for Sawyer. At the start of the episode, Sawyer asks, "Where is she?" and says "I love her." We don't really know if he was even referring to Kate. I think Jack is going to hook-up with Anna anyway. It will be something the writers can grow into next season. They'll get all the Anna-haters to fall in love with her and then kill her off. I wouldn't put it past them.

What Kate Did
Kate murdered her biological father, Wayne. For most of the episode, I thought he was her step-dad. In a way he was. The man that Kate looked to as a father was stationed in Korea while her mom had an affair with Wayne. When Kate found out that the no-good, white-trash, drunken, wife beater, Wayne was her real father, she resented the fact that she was a part of him and thus did what she did. It seems that most of our Lostaways have had "daddy" issues. I wonder if that will come into play as the plot of this story is finally revealed.

The Horse
I haven't checked any of the forums yet today, so I am not sure of the meaning of the horse. She sees it when she gets away from the marshall in the flashback, and sees it a few times on the island. Sawyer also sees it, so it is not just in her mind. Could it be that the horse is some sort of spirit guide?

The Book
If you would like to read the story that Mr. Eko told of Josiah and the Book of Law, here's a link to 2 Kings:22-23 NIV. I'm trying not to dig too deep, but I feel the only reason he told this story as he revealed that he too had found a book was to solidify the fact that he is a God fearing man. It also sets us up for more religious overtones in the next episode aptly titled The 23rd Psalm. Did I mention that we will not see this episode until January 11? Yeah, I'm still steaming. "...Your rod and your staff, they comfort me." I just read that Eko's stick is going to have it's own flashback. Watch for that in The 23rd Psalm.

The Missing Film
I was just talking to Sherpa Mike and we are in agreement that this may not be the only missing piece of the film. There are a few more jump cuts that could signify missing footage. Perhaps it is hidden in the other hatches that the Lostaways have not yet discovered. It could be with Desmond...Where the hell is that guy? Didn't he grab some books as he ran out of the hatch? What we learned in the added film set up the cliff hanger ending. "Don't use the computer for anything other than inputting the numbers". Using it for anything else could lead to "another incident." We still don't know what the first incident was, but something tells me that the blast doors that Michael points out early in the episode dropped. I find it funny that as Eko and Locke were being told why they shouldn't use the computer for other things, the DOS prompt awakens as Michael watches and responded. It's as if they are being watched...Continually.

A Few Other Things To Ponder

Locke asks, "What are the odds?"
To which Eko responds, "Don't mistake coincidence for fate."

Sawyer to Kate: "Do you know that horse, Freckles?"
Kate: "Yeah, I do"

Was Sawyer channeling the ghost of Wayne when he asks Kate, "Why did you kill me?"

Song that Kate plays in the hatch: "Walking After Midnight" Patsy Cline

I go out walkin after midnight,
Out in the moonlight, just like we used to do,
I'm always walkin after midnight searchin for you ~
I walk for miles along the highway,
Well, that's just my way of sayin "I love you,"