LOST "Live Together, Die Alone" Airdate: May 24, 2006 (Season 2 Finale)
Oh my gawd...oh my gawd...Taylor won American Idol and I totally missed it. That was because I was watching the best frickin' episode of LOST ever. Talk about saving the best for last. It's after midnight; I'm exhausted; My wife's been ragging me about which one of the Lostaways I will be for Halloween... Funny... But I feel as if I have been neglecting my blog. So I at least wanted to get a short list up here tonight, and then get more detailed after I watch it again this weekend. Then I'll have the entire summer to take a break and rest my brain... or I guess I could play the game: The Lost Experience.
Here's a short list of a few things that stood out in the Lost season two finale: (in no particular order)
1. The Bird. It swoops out of the jungle as they are making their way to the location of Michael's betrayal.

I know it's not a great screen capture, but it was the best one I could get. Hurley asks if the bird just said his name. What do you think? Here's the Audio. The spirit of Libby maybe? Watching over him? Or is it the Others controlling the animals and using them for remote viewing?
2. The strange statue of the foot with four toes.

I am trying to figure out what animals have four toes. So far I have come up with the Korean Dragon. It has four toes where as the Chinese Dragon has five and the Japanese Dragons have three. It is believed when the Korean Dragons leave for China, they gain toes; and when they go to Japan they lose toes... ah crap, I'm reading a damn mythology site about dragons. Damn! Sorry!
It does seem sort of "Planet of The Apes" though, doesn't it?. "Damn you! Damn you all to hell!!!"
3. It was Desmond who brought down Flight 815. We learned so much about his past and a lot of things really started to fall into place. I still have more questions, of course, but I'll get to those in a bit. I had to listen a few time to get his full name and rank, as well as why he was in jail..er, well, we don't know the full story yet. Lance Corporal Desmond David Hume of the Royal Scots Regiment of Her Majesty's Armed Forces was dishonorable discharged after serving his time. Look Out! A some-what religious tie-in: Check out the wiki on the Royal Scots. The regiments nickname was Pontius Pilate's bodyguard. David Hume is also the name of a famous philosopher.
Desmond also makes the claim that they (those on the Island) are the only ones left. "We are stuck in a snow globe. There's no escape." This is only briefly mentioned and not brought up again. I wonder why he said that? It's obvious that humanity is still here because of the way it ended: we saw some (Russian? Maybe?) dudes in a Siberian watch station as well as Penny Widmore. It must have been Lindelof/Cuse theory debunk.
Here's a pic of Jack and Desmond before they met at the stadium that day.

This is right before Penny shows up and utters the very sweet line, "All we need to truly survive is one person." We also got a confirmation that the girl in the picture with Desmond that we saw early on in the hatch is not Jack's wife, but in fact Penny.

Steve & I had been trying to figure that out. I even compared pics and they do look similar. Just for giggles, let me post the hatch picture:

Wait a tick! That's a different girl. Desmond has on the same shirt, but Penny's wearing a black shirt in the first picture and the girl in the other pic has a white shirt on. Do you think it's just a continuity oversite that they hoped no one would discover? Or is there more to the story?
We finally got meet Kelvin Inman in Desmond's flashbacks. He was the same guy who interrogated Sayid during Desert Storm. He said that he was kicked out of the Army because his men followed his orders. I wonder what he ordered them to do? We were also introduced to the Swan fail safe switch.

And we saw how Kelvin accidentally died at the hands of Desmond. I say accidentally because it didn't look like he wanted to kill him. It was because these two were frolicking on the beach that Flight 815 was brought down. So the question you must ask yourself now is, was it an accident or was it fate? Did Kelvin know that the rip in his suit would lure Desmond out of the hatch thus leaving no one to push the button? That may become a new theory for season three.
...uh what number am I on?...*scrolling back up*...oh yes! (This short list is getting long).
4. This whispers are back. I didn't capture the audio, but I did listen to that scene a few times and it sounds like I heard one of the whispers say, "Elizabeth. Hit 'em!" I couldn't make out the other whisper when Jack screams, "Run!"
5. The Rock. Here's a capture from last week.

I will try to post another capture this weekend. It's looks like something you would see at Stonehenge.
6. The Pneumatic Tubes (which would have been the name of my band if I had one back in the 80's. We would have toured with the Producers and Missing Persons...sorry, my brain is melting).

I stand corrected. The Pearl ("?") was the psychological experiment and The Swan button really did need to be pushed in order to release the magnetic pressure that would build up every 108 minutes.
7. Fenry Gale... and yes, I meant to spell it like that. It's his new trendy celebrity nick name. So is this guy HIM? The one in charge. He jumped Zeke's ass about the beard like Tommy Hilfiger jumped Axl Rose the other night (did you here that story? Ask me about it later.) Fenry sure acted like he was the man. And around the same time, thanks to a slip up from Miss Klugh, we learned that Mr. Friendly's real name is Tom. He also removes his beard when pressured by Kate.
8. Compass bearing 325. That's the way they tell Michael to go to get rescued. It's North West btw.
9. Libby.

I read somewhere that Libby was married to Widmore. However, she says her husband who just passed away a month ago was named David. She seemed like she was on the verge of depression. Maybe that is why she ended up in the asylum with Hurley. That and the fact that she gave a complete stranger her boat, which her late husband named after her, "Elizabeth."
10. Charles Widmore

You've seen and read the name throughout season two: Widmore Labs & Widemore Construction. What an ass. He intercepted all of the correspondence that Desmond sent to Penny, his daughter, and he really didn't want Desmond in her life at all. I'm not sure if you caught it, but the race around the world was sponsored by Widmore. Desmond wanted to get back his honor by winning the race.
11. The fate of Desmond, Locke, and Eko. Charlie made it out ok. I'll guess we'll have to wait until September to see who survived the magnetic pulse, as well as, what happens to Jack, Kate, and Sawyer as they go home with the Others/Hostiles.
12. The ending.
The two Siberian (and I'm only speculating as to where they actually were) Scientists discover the magnetic anomaly and call Penny. They say, "I think we've found IT."

They didn't say "him" they said "IT." Is she trying to locate the island to find Desmond, whom she loved and would wait forever for, or do you think she's deeper than that? Maybe trying to take down the Dharma Initiative, Hanso, and her father's company (like Persephone is in the Lost Experience game). Just laying down some ground work for season three.
I have had a great time the last few months analyzing and blogging about this show. This is actually more than I have ever written in my life. It's funny how when you get older, you discover new things. I am reading more than I ever have as well as writing now. I read an article in Entertainment Weekly that quoted Damon Lindelof as saying that part of the show is about self-discovery. Well, I've made some major self discoveries of my own. Thanks LOST... and thanks to everyone who reads this ( and calls me to let me know I haven't updated the blog yet). You inspire and motivate me.
Here's a short list of a few things that stood out in the Lost season two finale: (in no particular order)
1. The Bird. It swoops out of the jungle as they are making their way to the location of Michael's betrayal.

I know it's not a great screen capture, but it was the best one I could get. Hurley asks if the bird just said his name. What do you think? Here's the Audio. The spirit of Libby maybe? Watching over him? Or is it the Others controlling the animals and using them for remote viewing?
2. The strange statue of the foot with four toes.

I am trying to figure out what animals have four toes. So far I have come up with the Korean Dragon. It has four toes where as the Chinese Dragon has five and the Japanese Dragons have three. It is believed when the Korean Dragons leave for China, they gain toes; and when they go to Japan they lose toes... ah crap, I'm reading a damn mythology site about dragons. Damn! Sorry!
It does seem sort of "Planet of The Apes" though, doesn't it?. "Damn you! Damn you all to hell!!!"
3. It was Desmond who brought down Flight 815. We learned so much about his past and a lot of things really started to fall into place. I still have more questions, of course, but I'll get to those in a bit. I had to listen a few time to get his full name and rank, as well as why he was in jail..er, well, we don't know the full story yet. Lance Corporal Desmond David Hume of the Royal Scots Regiment of Her Majesty's Armed Forces was dishonorable discharged after serving his time. Look Out! A some-what religious tie-in: Check out the wiki on the Royal Scots. The regiments nickname was Pontius Pilate's bodyguard. David Hume is also the name of a famous philosopher.
Desmond also makes the claim that they (those on the Island) are the only ones left. "We are stuck in a snow globe. There's no escape." This is only briefly mentioned and not brought up again. I wonder why he said that? It's obvious that humanity is still here because of the way it ended: we saw some (Russian? Maybe?) dudes in a Siberian watch station as well as Penny Widmore. It must have been Lindelof/Cuse theory debunk.
Here's a pic of Jack and Desmond before they met at the stadium that day.

This is right before Penny shows up and utters the very sweet line, "All we need to truly survive is one person." We also got a confirmation that the girl in the picture with Desmond that we saw early on in the hatch is not Jack's wife, but in fact Penny.

Steve & I had been trying to figure that out. I even compared pics and they do look similar. Just for giggles, let me post the hatch picture:

Wait a tick! That's a different girl. Desmond has on the same shirt, but Penny's wearing a black shirt in the first picture and the girl in the other pic has a white shirt on. Do you think it's just a continuity oversite that they hoped no one would discover? Or is there more to the story?
We finally got meet Kelvin Inman in Desmond's flashbacks. He was the same guy who interrogated Sayid during Desert Storm. He said that he was kicked out of the Army because his men followed his orders. I wonder what he ordered them to do? We were also introduced to the Swan fail safe switch.

And we saw how Kelvin accidentally died at the hands of Desmond. I say accidentally because it didn't look like he wanted to kill him. It was because these two were frolicking on the beach that Flight 815 was brought down. So the question you must ask yourself now is, was it an accident or was it fate? Did Kelvin know that the rip in his suit would lure Desmond out of the hatch thus leaving no one to push the button? That may become a new theory for season three.
...uh what number am I on?...*scrolling back up*...oh yes! (This short list is getting long).
4. This whispers are back. I didn't capture the audio, but I did listen to that scene a few times and it sounds like I heard one of the whispers say, "Elizabeth. Hit 'em!" I couldn't make out the other whisper when Jack screams, "Run!"
5. The Rock. Here's a capture from last week.

I will try to post another capture this weekend. It's looks like something you would see at Stonehenge.
6. The Pneumatic Tubes (which would have been the name of my band if I had one back in the 80's. We would have toured with the Producers and Missing Persons...sorry, my brain is melting).

I stand corrected. The Pearl ("?") was the psychological experiment and The Swan button really did need to be pushed in order to release the magnetic pressure that would build up every 108 minutes.
7. Fenry Gale... and yes, I meant to spell it like that. It's his new trendy celebrity nick name. So is this guy HIM? The one in charge. He jumped Zeke's ass about the beard like Tommy Hilfiger jumped Axl Rose the other night (did you here that story? Ask me about it later.) Fenry sure acted like he was the man. And around the same time, thanks to a slip up from Miss Klugh, we learned that Mr. Friendly's real name is Tom. He also removes his beard when pressured by Kate.
8. Compass bearing 325. That's the way they tell Michael to go to get rescued. It's North West btw.
9. Libby.

I read somewhere that Libby was married to Widmore. However, she says her husband who just passed away a month ago was named David. She seemed like she was on the verge of depression. Maybe that is why she ended up in the asylum with Hurley. That and the fact that she gave a complete stranger her boat, which her late husband named after her, "Elizabeth."
10. Charles Widmore

You've seen and read the name throughout season two: Widmore Labs & Widemore Construction. What an ass. He intercepted all of the correspondence that Desmond sent to Penny, his daughter, and he really didn't want Desmond in her life at all. I'm not sure if you caught it, but the race around the world was sponsored by Widmore. Desmond wanted to get back his honor by winning the race.
11. The fate of Desmond, Locke, and Eko. Charlie made it out ok. I'll guess we'll have to wait until September to see who survived the magnetic pulse, as well as, what happens to Jack, Kate, and Sawyer as they go home with the Others/Hostiles.
12. The ending.

They didn't say "him" they said "IT." Is she trying to locate the island to find Desmond, whom she loved and would wait forever for, or do you think she's deeper than that? Maybe trying to take down the Dharma Initiative, Hanso, and her father's company (like Persephone is in the Lost Experience game). Just laying down some ground work for season three.
I have had a great time the last few months analyzing and blogging about this show. This is actually more than I have ever written in my life. It's funny how when you get older, you discover new things. I am reading more than I ever have as well as writing now. I read an article in Entertainment Weekly that quoted Damon Lindelof as saying that part of the show is about self-discovery. Well, I've made some major self discoveries of my own. Thanks LOST... and thanks to everyone who reads this ( and calls me to let me know I haven't updated the blog yet). You inspire and motivate me.
Your Blog was great and I will miss it this summer.
Can't wait until next season!!!
Tripp!! An excellent episode and a great way to keep us salivating for more LOST in September.
Did you see the latest HANSO commercial? The new website they gave was www.HansoCareers.com. I'm gonna go check it out.
So Kelvin was the one who painted the glow-in-the-dark blast door map. Cool!
Michael gets Walt back...will they really be rescued?
Fenry (love that, btw) seems to be the head honcho numero uno over there. He sure is a great actor. Is he really true to his word? Will they not hurt Jack & Co.?
Kudos to Kate for calling out Zeke (excuse me...TOM) on the fake beard.
And kudos to Michael for being the first one to actually ask "Who ARE you people!?". Even though he didn't get a straight answer, at least he asked.
That's the most frustrating thing about the show. No one talks to each other!!
So, while Des was out accidentally killing Kelvin, the countdown went to heirogliphycs (sp?) and flight 815 goes down. Interesting.
I still want to know HOW the "others" know Kate, Jack, Sawyer, Hurley, etc... It's like they KNEW they were coming...expected guests.
Why did they let Hurley go, and not anyone else?
Arg, so many questions!!
Glad to see Charlie & Claire making amends. Not only that, but Claire laying a big fat kiss on ol' Chuck. Nice.
We saw Alex again last night. (I'm just typing stuff as I remember it).
More questions (the obvious): Are Eko & Lock dead? How about Desmond?
And what exactly does the key/switch do under the hatch? I know they said "fail safe", but what does that actually mean? Kelvin said it makes "all of this go away", but where? How?
I think they did a good job if obtaining a balance between answering lingering questions, yet creating brand new questions for the next season.
All in all, an excellent season finale.
I'm going to stop now...I'm getting far too random here.
Great blog, my friend. Keep it up.
As usual, Great Blog Tripp!
If you do the math, 4 years before the plane crash is when Desmond and Libby met, he said he needed a year to train and then he said he was on the island (in the hatch) for 3 years. Is she a part of Widmore/Dharma? Or are we still thinking maybe she lost someone on the balcony that Hurley broke??? And after her hubby dies and then a friend on the balcony, maybe is when she went insane.... okay, it's strectch but give me a break.
Penny, I think she is on the hunt for Desmond, she seemed like when she found him at the stadium, she was determined to be "with Him" regardless of her "Daddy's Warbucks".
Because they let the clock run out are there going to be more "losties"? do you think another plane will crash?
I thought the boat Michael and Walt went on was going to blow up just off shore too, how creepy am I?
How come when Kelvin and Desmond faked the lockdown to paint the door, they could rig that but they couldn't get the black lights on. Though it was funny when Desmond called it the invisible map. Had Des ever seen the map lit up? Did he know about the other hatches? When Locke told him about the other hatches, he seemed extremely surprised. I'm glad Locke is talking to Desmond FINALLY!!! about the other hatch etc....
Tubes: So cool how they found Locke's hand drawn map of the hatches....
I LOVE the wasy Desmond says BROTHA!!!!! It makes me melt!!
Sorry guys, went off on a girlie tangent.
I will miss all of you, thank you and goodbye!
Tripp, I LOVE reading your blog every week... while I don't call you to bug you to finish it, and I never comment, I look forward to reading it EVERY week! THANKS - and PLEASE keep it up next season, OK?
- Laura
Hey Tripp! Great Blog!
Do you think Michael and Walt will make it back? I am not so sure with the electromagnetic pulse. Compasses are affected by magnets and I am wondering if this will alter the reading and he will probably not get to safety.
Also, did you see the look that Kate gave to Jack at the end and how Sawyer reacted? It seems they might have another plan.
I hope you keep up your blog for next year because it is great!
Tripp -
I always enjoy reading your blog every morning after seeing the show the previous night. We talk about the show and your blog at the office after each show.
You do the research (legwork) for us and give us insights into the show and remind us about things that happened that we may have missed.
What's up with the statues and rocks? Are they 'red herrings' or do you think they will play a part in future shows?
I had the same thought as Leslie about Michael - I kept thinking that Henry was going to shoot him at any moment. I guess by them sailing them off the show (literally) explains why Michael is not on the show next season.
Also thought it was kind of eerie when Libby turned up again with Desmond at the Starbucks(?).
Looking forward to next season.
Great blog, Tripp!! A few other things to ponder:
Wonder why they let Hurley go??
And when Fenry said, "We are the GOOD ones", in answer to the question of who are you.
I'm not clear where Eko was when the explosion happened - I saw Charlie run away.
what happened to Jin and Sun?? Gotta rewatch for these details, obviously!! (iTunes, here I come!!)
So, I assume that this group of "Others" is only one Dharma group, right?? who knows how many more there are, unless there's a different group for each hatch.
I've been doing the Lost Experience a little bit (cause I'm not obsessed enough!! I tried to go to hansocareers.com last night, but didn't open for me - probably misspelled the URL.
Thank, everyone, for sharing ideas. Helps me out a lot!!!
I originally did not understand why Hurley would be part of the group to rescue Walt, bu I think that "The Others" only wanted Hurley so that he could return to his group with the message.
Why is Charlie acting like nothing happened? Why did he not mention Locke and Ecko? Is he possibly suffering from some sort of memory loss?
What happened to Sayid, Jin, and Sun? ...and what was the look between Jack, Kate, and Sawyer. Is it because Jack knows Sayid is suppose to be there?
What about the heiroglyphics? Can you get a still shot of it and see if it's the same symbols each time? Also we need to see them again to figure out what they mean - it has to be something.
I'm also wondering about the bright light and loud noise when the "siren" went off. Also, why didn't anyone question why the lid to the hatch flew onto the beach? They just tossed it aside like it wasn't a big deal.
At the end, didn't we see Locke and Desmond in the hatch so they only person missing is Ecko?
If it helps any (yeah...right...)according to the closed-captions, the two guys in the snow who "discovered" the pulse and called Penny were speaking Portugese.
Tripp, the crow did say "Hurley". Turn-on the closed caption feature on your TV and watch it again! In addition to giving you the dialogue, it will sometimes give you little clues like "Crow caws "Hurley" ".
Tripp, this is my first time typing, but I have read everyone of your recaps. I was really stressing last week when you kind of had to live your real life for a few days. I will continue to look in and check comments. By the way, I also enjoy reading the comments by aaron and I belive his sister and all the others. I do not want to get all X-Files again, so this is my one vice besides actually watching the show. Again, THANKS!
Portugese -- sounded Eastern Euro to me.
The two pictures not only show Desmond in the same color shirt, but the exact same shirt and pose. Look at the smirk on the face. Pretty good print shop work. But nothing on this show that important is an accidental continuity mistake!
Peachtree City, GA
Thanks again for blogging Lost for us.
My big question now is, what will become of that murdering scumbag, Michael.
He deserves a few dozen Sayyid torture sessions before being drawn and quartered.
And for anyone who didn't record the finale, you can check it out for free (with almost no commercial breaks) at ABC.com
Have a great summer, and see you in September
Hey, great blog. I've read many comments in many locations since the finale and there is one thing I haven't seen anyone comment on yet. When Jack and company were off to "get Walt" they were being followed across the stream ? by two men. Remember? At least one of them was shot and killed but they seemed to make a point of not rolling him over and showing his face. I don't know why except maybe body size/hair/coloring, etc, do I think it was the Oriental Narrator in the Orientation Films. Anyone else wonder who it was?
I just love your thoughts on the series, and can't wait until next season to see if any of your theories acutally pan out. Here's a theory of mine:
We found out that Desmond actually plays a large part in this series. And being the romantic I am, I believe that Penny has been looking for him this entire time. Her father must have found out about Desmond entering the race and somehow rigged his accident on the island. He is a powerful man with lots of investments, so he must have know exactly what to do to keep Desmond away from his daughter. He made it perfectly clear that he wanted Desmond to have nothing to do with his daughter, and I think he has gone to great measures to make sure. Knowing Desmond's military background, he was a perfect candidate to be down in the hatch with Kelvin, pressing the button.
Penny must have found out somehow about her father's investments and the possibility that he had Desmond trapped away somewhere. Perhaps she knew it had something to do with a large amount of magnetic energy and hired the Russians (?) to constantly look for any kine of large magnetic energy reading. This was discovered at the end when Desmond used the fail safe switch.
Now that she knows where to look, I think we will see more of her next season. We will also most likely get more background about her father and his investments which could lead to more answers about the hatches on the island.
Just my theory.
Brilliant blog - love it.
I have a few points to add about the episodes. This is the first time i've added a comment so i'm basically venting off about the last few episodes (all my friends think i'm sad when i start talking about lost and don't stop)
1. The foot is definately human. It couldn't be the foot of some other primate (i heard a Planet of the Apes theory on the net) - they have different toes. The four toes part could be a warning - deformity is seen as dangerous/bad/a curse in some societies. Alternatively it could be hinting that the Others are some kind of mutant - Walt did sound like he said "they're mutants" in Three Minutes - and they only have four toes. I'll rewatch the last episode to see.
2. The bird/monster/thing. I heard someone say that the closed captions on TV said its a crow. I thought it might be a large bird of prey - i couldn't see it that clearly - but a crow could fit. HOWEVER it is MUCH bigger than any real crow in the world. This could be a dharma experiment though. Also whatever type of bird it is, it shouldn't be in a jungle. Large birds, especially ones that big, do not fly around in jungles or forests because the trees would get in the way. And is it stalking Hurley??? Or is it some kind of warning - it turned up in the Dark Territory just before the smoke monster appeared, and again before they were captured by the Others.
3. Tripp mentioned that Libby said her name was Elizabeth in the flashback. Elizabeth can be shortened to Libby (Lizzy).
4. Also when they were captured by the Others, one of them said the name Elizabeth - Libby??? Maybe when someone dies on the island they join the Others? Or maybe it only applies to Others (lots of people think Libby was creepy and might have been a spy(.
5. Does Fake Henry know what Michael did - when he shot Ana Lucia and Libby? He said that Michael wouldn't want anyone knowing what he did to get his son back - does he mean betraying his friends or killing two people? If Fake Henry does mean the murders - does he know from CCTV in the hatch?
About the CCTV - there were loads more cameras in the Pearl than were showing pictures - do they only show pictures in occupied hatches if you see what i mean? They might be motion activated and only work when someone's in there.
This is also a theory i have that the Others may be using cameras and hidden mikes and bugs to check on the losties - hidden in the trees - the whole Big Brother thing.
6. When Fake Henry told Michael that when he leaves he won't be able to get back there it reminded me of a few things. There are two books (fictional) which i've read and mention similar things. The first is Voyage of the Dawn Treader (one of the Narnia books) where Aslan tells the children that they won't ever be able to get back there once they leave. The next is the Raven's Gate, where witchcraft means that the character can't ever find his way out of the country lanes - whichever way he goes he always ends back where he started. Doesn't this sound like Desmond's 'stuck in a bloody snow-globe' comment?
7. The rock in Three Minutes does look like it could either be the remains of some building (and this could fit with the old abandoned castaway impression the Others like to give) or some kind of sign to be seen from the sea. If it is a sign i was wondering if it could be one of those Chinese/Japanese/Korean symbols.
(Sorry - very long comment)
8. The questions Miss Clue/Klugh was asking Michael about Walt sounded like they think Walt has ESP (extra sensory perception). This is mainly like psychics but it could also include astral projection (when the mind/soul leaves the body - hence Miss Clue's comment about 'has Walt ever appeared in a place he wasn't supposed to be') or future telling. This is just a theory, but The spys - Ethan and Goodwin appeared very fast in the camps. Could the Others have known where/when the plane was going to crash before it did?
9. The numbers may have some big significance. I looked up the numbers in a book about interesting numbers and they were all there. Most of the stuff was way to complicated for me to understand but 4 and 8 for some bizare reason signify law and justice. They are also the numbers found on the bottle of vaccine Desmond injected himself with at the beginning of the series.
Sorry to cause problems but Tripp said that Ethan might have been slipping Claire the vaccine - she said her water tasted sour - but the bottle of vaccine said 'injection only'.
Sorry but i have to include my theory. All the people on the plane were 'infected' by the numbers. The vaccine does something to get rid of the infection or keep the effects at bay. I think the Others may have been experimented on by the dharma initiative, and are now mutants of some sort, and have stayed on the island to try and prevent anyone else getting hurt. They hide away, only take the 'good' people, and use the costumes because they're afraid of what might happen if they're discovered.
Apologies again for the VERY long comment.
I realize I am several seasons late to post this. I am following the blog as I am going through all the seasons for the first time as the final season is finishing.
The men were not siberian, they were brazilian. They were speaking portuguese. I guess its possible they were from Portugal, however, I am more inclined to believe that it was an Antartic station than a siberian station, since australia is in the southern hemisphere, etc etc.
Being a resident of Brazil, I assure they are speaking portuguese, however, being american, I am rusty with the accents...so..I'm not sure.
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