Thursday, May 04, 2006

LOST "Two For The Road" Airdate: May 3, 2006

I'm having a hard time finding time today to post. There is so much to discuss and so little time in my day.

"Whatcha gonna do now muchacha?"

I did catch a Canadian TV promo last week that showed Ana-Lucia with Jack's Dad at a bar, and with Sawyer..uh.. frolicking in the woods...would that be a good way to describe it?...uh...Bushwhacking?... Teeing off in the rough? Do you really think there was any love there at all? Or was Ana running the seduction to get the gun?

Even though the last five minutes WAS the show, let me back up to the beginning and make sure I didn't miss anything...of course, I'm sure I did.

Ana's mom knows it was her who killed the man who shot her [Ana] and killed her unborn child. Ana quits the police force and becomes and airport screener. It's there that she meets Jack's Dad, Dr. Christian just Christian Shephard at this point because he said he had quit being a doctor. Christian "Tom" Shephard talks Ana-Lucia "Sarah" Cortez into going to Australia with him as his personal security. He said what he had to do there was dangerous, but all we were privy to was Christian trying to see his daughter from an affair he had with an Aussie. Alright! With that being said, who is the "daughter?" I'm thinking Claire, but I need to watch her backstory again. And why did it take four days of heavy drinking before Christian made his move? What was he waiting on? Who was he trying to avoid? Was the "danger" he spoke of a disgruntled husband? An unforgiving person maybe? Something to ponder.

Also, Pasty Cline's "Walking After Midnight" was playing on the car radio. This was also playing in "What Kate Did" back in November. If my memory serves me correctly, it was also playing in the truck when Kate was riding with the farmer who took her in. His name escapes me. It was right before the Marshal catches up to her. Is this a timeline cue. Pasty Cline was on the radio at the same time when Kate was being caught and when Christian was trying to connect with his long lost daughter.

It was also rather humorous to see Christian open his door into Sawyer. That was a blatant character crossing. As was Jack, Anna, and Jin in line at the airport when Jack was trying to get his deceased father on an earlier flight.

Back in the hatch, Fake Henry confesses to Locke that he has failed his mission...

Damn! Out of time. I'll have to pick this back up at home. Sorry for the delay, but I just found a major Easter Egg of The Hanso Foundation website. I'll post it in a little while.

Ok, I'm back. Hours have past and I thought that I would never get back to my blog. If you are reading this for the first time then no time has passed at all. We're back in good ol' 1955 and Doc has just fallen off of his toilet and came up with the idea for the flux capacitor...oh wait...sorry.

Where was I? Oh yes! Fake Henry confessed to Locke that he has failed his mission. When he was caught in Rousseau's trap, he was coming for Locke. As Aaron brought up on my earlier post, I have mentioned the whole good/bad thing before. The Others seem to be after the good survivors (those with no skeletons in their closets; those who are pure of heart)and could care less about the bad survivors (those who have killed). That's why they took the children.

I'm not sure if the "Say Anything" movie reference by Hurley has any significance other than confirming that he loves Libby. When John Cusak's character,Lloyd holds the boom box over his head, he professes his love for Diane (Ione Skye).

It seemed to me that Jack was trying to make good with Locke and they were patching some of their issues up.

Now, let's get into Michael's head. At first I thought he may have been brainwashed by the Others. After further review, I pretty sure he is being forced to carry out a mission: rescue Fake Henry, infiltrate the survivors, and lead them back to the Others. For a man who wants nothing more than to get his son back, this mission is a test for Michael to prove that he is worthy to get Walt back. He does apologize to Ana before he shoots her. He also shoots Libby because she just happens to be in the wrong place at the wrong time. He can have no witnesses in order to carry out the plan. Libby is credited as being the next episode, "?," so she may not die right away. They do say, "She's dead" in the promo for next weeks show and it looks like they are folding Ana's arms on the floor. So maybe Ana is the only one to die and Libby is saved by whatever may have been between the blankets she was carrying.

Michael also describes the Others as dirty tent dwellers who are living off of dried fish. We saw the rags and fake beards during "Maternity Leave," so maybe there are two sets of Others. Then again he just may be setting up the survivors by making the think that they can take 'em out. He also mentions the next hatch. I have seen the next training film and that hatch deals with marine life experiments. The training film is no longer available on the site where I first discovered it. I bet it is hidden on the Hanso Foundation website. I'll get into that and post the Easter Egg that I found today in my next blog entry.

Another thought is that Michael carries out this mission to prove his worthiness, but will side with the survivors when the battle begins. *cueing up Crowded House's "Don't Dream It's Over" in the background*

"Two For The Road"

The title of this episode is quite fitting since the two who were shot and presumably killed were the same two arrested for DUI. There were rumors dating back to February that Ana would be killed off not only for the DUI, but because there reports that she was very hard to work with on the set. Although, Michelle Rodriguez said in a TV interview this morning that she knew she would be killed off when she signed her contract. She was not able to tell anyone... not even the other actors. Is this her way of saving face? That's yet to be seen and may never be. If she's not sitting in a seat at the Lost reunion, we'll then know.

When Ana tosses Henry a knife, he recognizes it as Goodwin's. That's why he brings him up and talks about how Goodwin said he could change her. Why couldn't she kill him? Maybe it wasn't too late for Ana. Maybe she could be changed.

It really blew my mind when Michael shot Ana and Libby. I thought for sure they would save any other major events for the season finale. But I guess that would have been cliche... and this show is anything but.

One other thing before I begin a new post to discuss and direct you to a few new websites, the combination to the armory is 18-R, 1-L, 31-R. I don't really know the significance. I just thought it was neat that they gave it out. Sorry it took me so long to get this entry in. Let me know what I missed.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey man, did you see the commercial for the Hanso foundation during the middle of the Lost episode? That weirded me out! I agree with you about Michael. I think he is doing whatever it takes to get Walt back. He may not even believe that the Others will really give him back. I think Libby survives long enough to rat Michael out. Locke is certainly intrigued that he was wanted by the Others. He has yet to tell anyone about what he saw on the blast door during the lock down. I am buying season 2 as soon as it comes out. I'll probably have a big Lost day where I do nothing but watch the shows back to back. That's the best way to really see things you didn't see before. Well...I'll do it if my husband agrees to keep tabs on our son! Probably won't happen. Thanks for your blog. I heard you mention it on your show today so I thought I'd check it out!

9:14 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

At first I thought Michelle Rodriguez was saving face, but then I decided to do a little research. She descibes herself as a gypsy and does not like to stay anywhere very long. I did not find anything about her being hard with which to work. So it is very possible that she and the Lost people decided one season was better than none and she kept her mouth shut about it.

3:21 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I was just thinking about the Patsy Cline song and reference of "Walking After Midnight", played several times. Wasn't there at least one other musical reference by an artist that was also killed in a plane crash?? I can't remember who it was, but that it was in an episode. I wonder if these musical references to artists tragically dying in plane crashes are trying to tell us something or just making us wonder. Hmmm....

I also read that Michelle Rodriguez had arranged with the producers that she would only do one season, so she could continue being her free-spirited self. But I can't remember where I read it, but I think it was a reputable source. I think the article had an interview with one or more of the Lost producers. Who also said it was definitely not related to the DUI.

Guess we'll have to wait to find out about Libby.

7:24 PM  

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