Thursday, May 04, 2006

Easter Egg on The Hanso Site

Two great new sites have just launched to keep our minds occupied during the Summer hiatus. I'm sure more sites will be popping up. Just make sure that the mock company sites are ABC sanctioned and the Easter Eggs and info contained therein will most likely be correct. Beware of fake sites that will inevitably show up as well.

The Lost Experience

The Hanso Foundation

The following is a kick-ass Easter Egg that I transcribed from the Hanso site:

GWC 19 September 2005
Global Welfare Consortium
RUE Grande 1623
1221 Geneva 27

To: Dr. Roderick Johnson, M.D., Ph.D., Clinical Director,
Centers for Disease Control

From: GWC Executive Committee
RE: Violation of Ethical Guidelines/ The Hanso Life-Extension Project

CC: Mr. Peter Thompson, Vice President, General Counsel,The Hanso Foundation; Hugh McInTyre, Vice President andCommunications Director, The Hanso Foundation

Dr. Johnson:

We have received word of an unfortunate and most alarming issue in the past days concerning research operations by The Hanso Foundation in the sub-Saharan region of Africa. Sadly, we have exhausted our mandate as a watchdog organization and must petition you for a formal investigation.

It has come to our attention that a new strain of meningococcal disease has been reported in the coastal villages of the United Republic of Tanzania. This strain is particularly alarming in that it has successfully breached the simian/homo sapiens barrier

As the enclosed documentation and correspondence demonstrate, we have repeatedly asked the executive board of The Hanso Foundation for assistance in determining the possible correlation between the outbreak of this and transgenic disease and the research being conducted on primates in their Experimental Station in Zanzibar. As our requests have met with utter and complete disregard, we feel we have no other choice than to demand your immediate intervention.

As the Hanso Foundation is using primates to research gene therapies intended for human use, the correlation should be obvious.

Considering the alarming nature of this outbreak and the mounting death toll it is imperative that The Hanso Foundation immediately open the doors of their Experimental Station for inspection and, should a link be found between their work and this disease, cease and desist their activities immediately.

Thank you for your prompt attention to this matter.
Lives are at stake.

Monsieur Jaques Maillott
Director General, GWC Executive Committee


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