Wednesday, January 25, 2006

LOST "Fire & Water" Airdate: Jan 25, 2006

"Ya Hittin' That?" It had to be the funniest line of the night. Even funnier than all of the Sawyerisms...which weren't all that good tonight anyway."Ya Hittin' That?" I'm almost ashamed to include it in the same discussion as the Baptism of Christ. We see the painting briefly in Charlie's Christmas flashback/nightmare. Many people attribute the painting to Da Vinci, but it was Da Vinci's master Andrea Del Verrocchio who is responsible for creating the Baptism of Christ. Da Vinci did play a part though. He created one of the angels and some of the background. Of course I only just discovered this while researching the painting.I'm not sure that this information has any relevance to the topic at hand. Perhaps there might be a deeper meaning in the symbolism. Maybe the "Others" are just a small part of the entire picture...and then, I might be digging way too deep beneath the surface again. Below is a .jpg of the Baptism of Christ followed by a screen capture from the episode:

Here are two screen captures from Charlie's bizarre halucination. Charlie's mom and Claire are depicted as the angels from the painting. In the second pic, you can see the dove as it flies out of the picture.

The angels tell Charlie that he must "Save" the baby. Charlie takes this dream to mean that the baby is in trouble; however, they do not mean the literal meaning of "save," but rather how it is defined in the religious sense. This leads me to a new theory. Since it appears that the writers are painting Aaron as Christ-like, will the baby have to die for the sins of the other survivors of Flight 815? Just a, well... now one of my new theories.

As far as the rest of the episode, I'm hearing some complaints in the hall that it wasn't that good. Sometimes with this show, you have to dig a little deeper. To me, most of the episode was a "set-up" show. Sawyer's comment about Jack and Anna spending a lot of time together; Hurley asking Libby if he knew her from somewhere else;Locke acting strange and then saving the heroin when he should have destroyed it; Claire and Aaron being baptised by Eko; these were all scenes meant to set-up the story line for the rest of the season. We will probably learn that Hurley knows Libby from the nut house. Jack and Anna are spending time together planning Jack's little battle against Mr. Friendly and his cronies, and during that time their relationship will blossom. I think I have said it before, but Locke seems to know a lot more than he is letting on. His strange behavior is likely to continue and even get worse.

A few other things that just popped into my head. Libby makes a comment about the Washer and Dryer being newer than everything else in the hatch. I am not sure if this is a set-up for something to come or just a jab at the forum members who posted about the age of the washer/dryer versus the rest of the hatch several episodes ago. Also, the Drive Shaft baby diaper commercial flashback was strange. It reminded me of that episode of CSI where the gansta with a "I wanna be a baby" fetish has a secret room and craps himself. I don't know why I thought of that, I just did.

Before I log off, I wanted to pass on some more info. I was checking the TV listings and it looks like they are gonna run the Hurley flashback episode, Numbers from season one next week, Feb 1, 2006. The next new episode, The Long Con will air on Feburary 8th opposite the Grammy Awards. That will be a tough decision on my part. Thank gawd I got my DVR working.

Thursday, January 19, 2006

Lost "The Hunting Party" Airdate: Jan. 18, 2006

The line has been drawn for the epic battle of the 2005/2006 television season. The battle between good and evil, the black rock and the white rock, yin & yang... But yet, who is good and who is evil? The Losties seem to have a lot of baggage from their past. Many of them are murderers. Before I get into what Jack said to Anna, "How long do you think it will take to train an army?" I wanted to touch on another theory that passed right by me in last nights episode.

Steve McCoy from the Steve & Vikki morning show presented this theory to me this morning. Last night Jack's wife, Sarah, says she is leaving him [Jack] and that she has been seeing someone else. Could that someone else been Desmond? (The crazy guy from the hatch that we meet at the beginning of this season - for those who are just jumping on the LOST bandwagon). Jack did have a funny look on his face when he saw the picture of Desmond and a mystery girl on a table in the hatch. Below is the screen capture of the picture from an earlier episode:

The capture is pretty dark, but it looks like it could be Sarah. Let's compare. Here is a screen capture of Sarah from this episode:

It very well could be her. Sarah lips in the Hunting Party epsisode look a bit more pouty. Then again, she was sad because she was hurting Jack. Many of the posters on the forums are theorizing that Sarah was seeing Ethan because his name (Ethan Rom) was an anagram for "Other Man." I don't buy into that. But you never know with this damn show. We'll have to see if they go back to the picture in a future episode. Who knows, maybe they replaced the originally cast actor. They might slip in another photo to reflect the change.

Here's a good question: why was Jack being such an a-hole to "Mr. Friendly" (that's the name given to him by I think I heard Sawyer call him Zeke)? If it were me, I would be asking him questions rather than fighting with him. "It's your island, ok, you got it. How do we get off? Ya got a boat?"

And why does Mr. Friendly have the appearance of a pirate? Could it be that the pirates from the Black Rock ship that was found in season one are still alive? One of the Dharma Initiative experiments is the Hanso Life Extension Project. While I'm at it, let me list all of the Dharma Experiments:

1. Life Extension Project
2. Electro Magnetic Research Initiative
3. Quest for Extra-Terrestrial Intelligence
4. Mathematical forecasting Initiative
5. Cryogenics Development Imperative
6. Juxtapositional Eugenics Development Institute
7. Accelerated Remote Viewing Training

You can find the above listed as well as a few other hidden items on:
The Hanso Foundation website.

By knowing what experiments may be going on, you might have a better understanding as to how the "Others" get around so fast and how they know a lot about the Lostaways. I'm still convinced that there are two sets of others. I read another theory on one of the many forums that said the Others we met last night may be the "Men of Science" where as the Others that the Talies encountered where more spiritual. It may come down to a battle between science and faith. Think about that for a few minutes.

Finally, we begin the subject of Jack's army. I'm pretty sure that this is how the rest of this season will play out culminating in a battle scene where we will have to "Tune In Next Fall To See Who Survives... And Who Dies." Can't we all just get along. It seems that Jack may be bent on building an army and destroying the others. But why? Is he infected with the "sickness?" Is it the main point of all the experiments? Is it the only way that J.J. Abrams can stretch this monster into a third season without pissing all of us viewers off? I welcome your thoughts and comments.

I've probably missed a few things from "The Hunting Party" so feel free to post any comments. Oh yeah... Keep an eye out for a new site popping up under the name Geronimo Jackson. That was the album that Hurley and Charlie pull out and mention a few times.

Until next time. Thanks for reading!

Thursday, January 12, 2006

LOST: "The 23rd Psalm" Airdate: January, 11, 2006

Whoa. Mr. Eko is a bad mutha (watch yo mouth). When his character was first introduced and we started to learn about him, I figured he was a God fearing man with high moral values. I had no idea he was a Nigerian drug lord. It must have been when his brother was shot and he was left on the ground at the airstrip that he turned to Christ. Obviously, they will air another Eko centered flashback episode where we learn more; but yet, we may be left to assume that it was at that moment when he begins his life journey as a penitent man. It really explains why he took the 40 day vow of silence after he had to kill a few of the "others" in an earlier episode.

Here's something you may have missed just like a lot of the Losties I talked to this morning. Then again, if you have TiVo or some other DVR, you may have caught it. When Mr. Eko faces the smoke, images appear as flashes of light when the smoke moves through him. Below are some screen captures. Keep in mind, even though I have adjusted the image lighting in photoshop, they still may be hard to see and these are actual screen captures. No other photoshop tricks were used other than "Image Adjust."

Smoke Image 1

Smoke Image 2

Smoke Image 3

Smoke Image 4

Smoke Image 5

Smoke Image 6

At first I thought the smoke was composed of the spiritual energy of those Eko had killed throughout his life. As I watched the scene over and over and found the images in the smoke, it appears to me that the smoke was reading his life. There are a few images that I couldn't make out so I didn't post them, but in the images above, you can see his brother, Eko as a child again (I think), Eko's brother & himself when he was shot, and then a crucifix in the final pic which to me symbolize his acceptance of Christ into his heart.

A few questions still remain... at least in my head. What WAS the smoke? Is it part of one the Hanso Foundation/Dharma Initiative experiments still hapening on the island? Is Michael really talking to Walt or anyone for that matter on the computer? When Jack surprised him, I never saw him clear the screen. When camera sweeps around after Jack leaves the screen is blank. Maybe Walt cleared it... or maybe Michael is going a bit mad. Didn't Danielle mention something about a sickness in season one?

I'm gonna hit the Lost forums. If I come up with any good stuff, I'll post it.

Friday, January 06, 2006

LOST Returns Next Week!!!!

Happy New Year! Wow, it's been over a month since I posted. If it weren't for the wonderful time I had over the holidays, I'm sure my LOST withdrawl would have been the end of me. They did show a few re-runs during the month, but I had already seen those so many times that I didn't need to watch 'em again. I actually spent some good quality time with the family during the hiatus. My wife was in shock the first time I didn't head to my normal Wednesday night position at 9:00pm.

Well, the Wednesday night quality time is over. Game On. LOST returns next Wednesday night (Jan. 11) at 8:00pm with a recap show (LOST: Revelation)which will re-tell the story of the Fuselage survivors and Talies in a linear fashion to catch up the regulars and newbies alike. After that it's LOST: The 23rd Psalm. Here's brief synopsis that I just read on

"Mr. Eko questions Charlie about the Virgin Mary statue; Claire begins to lose faith in Charlie when she discovers his secret; and Jack is very interested in Kate's attentions toward Sawyer."

AH HA! "Jack is very interested in Kate's attentions toward Sawyer." Uh huh. I think I may have said this in my last post, and this is not a spolier just my own opinion, but I think Kate and Sawyer will hook up while Jack and Anna fall in love. There are a lot of people who hate Anna Lucia, but I think the writers can bring her character around and just as we all fall in love with her, they will kill her off. What do you think? It's just one of my own theories.

Anna may at least have to disapear for a while especially if her alter ego (Michelle Rodrigues) gets any jail time for that DUI in Hawaii a whle back. I hear that she plead "not gulity" and it will go to trial in March. Stay tuned!

*Cheers* Here's to another great episode. I'll be back on Thursday with a show post... maybe even ealier if I get some good links or info.