Wednesday, May 24, 2006

LOST "Live Together, Die Alone" Airdate: May 24, 2006 (Season 2 Finale)

Oh my gawd...oh my gawd...Taylor won American Idol and I totally missed it. That was because I was watching the best frickin' episode of LOST ever. Talk about saving the best for last. It's after midnight; I'm exhausted; My wife's been ragging me about which one of the Lostaways I will be for Halloween... Funny... But I feel as if I have been neglecting my blog. So I at least wanted to get a short list up here tonight, and then get more detailed after I watch it again this weekend. Then I'll have the entire summer to take a break and rest my brain... or I guess I could play the game: The Lost Experience.

Here's a short list of a few things that stood out in the Lost season two finale: (in no particular order)

1. The Bird. It swoops out of the jungle as they are making their way to the location of Michael's betrayal.

I know it's not a great screen capture, but it was the best one I could get. Hurley asks if the bird just said his name. What do you think? Here's the Audio. The spirit of Libby maybe? Watching over him? Or is it the Others controlling the animals and using them for remote viewing?

2. The strange statue of the foot with four toes.

I am trying to figure out what animals have four toes. So far I have come up with the Korean Dragon. It has four toes where as the Chinese Dragon has five and the Japanese Dragons have three. It is believed when the Korean Dragons leave for China, they gain toes; and when they go to Japan they lose toes... ah crap, I'm reading a damn mythology site about dragons. Damn! Sorry!

It does seem sort of "Planet of The Apes" though, doesn't it?. "Damn you! Damn you all to hell!!!"

3. It was Desmond who brought down Flight 815. We learned so much about his past and a lot of things really started to fall into place. I still have more questions, of course, but I'll get to those in a bit. I had to listen a few time to get his full name and rank, as well as why he was in, well, we don't know the full story yet. Lance Corporal Desmond David Hume of the Royal Scots Regiment of Her Majesty's Armed Forces was dishonorable discharged after serving his time. Look Out! A some-what religious tie-in: Check out the wiki on the Royal Scots. The regiments nickname was Pontius Pilate's bodyguard. David Hume is also the name of a famous philosopher.

Desmond also makes the claim that they (those on the Island) are the only ones left. "We are stuck in a snow globe. There's no escape." This is only briefly mentioned and not brought up again. I wonder why he said that? It's obvious that humanity is still here because of the way it ended: we saw some (Russian? Maybe?) dudes in a Siberian watch station as well as Penny Widmore. It must have been Lindelof/Cuse theory debunk.

Here's a pic of Jack and Desmond before they met at the stadium that day.

This is right before Penny shows up and utters the very sweet line, "All we need to truly survive is one person." We also got a confirmation that the girl in the picture with Desmond that we saw early on in the hatch is not Jack's wife, but in fact Penny.

Steve & I had been trying to figure that out. I even compared pics and they do look similar. Just for giggles, let me post the hatch picture:

Wait a tick! That's a different girl. Desmond has on the same shirt, but Penny's wearing a black shirt in the first picture and the girl in the other pic has a white shirt on. Do you think it's just a continuity oversite that they hoped no one would discover? Or is there more to the story?

We finally got meet Kelvin Inman in Desmond's flashbacks. He was the same guy who interrogated Sayid during Desert Storm. He said that he was kicked out of the Army because his men followed his orders. I wonder what he ordered them to do? We were also introduced to the Swan fail safe switch.

And we saw how Kelvin accidentally died at the hands of Desmond. I say accidentally because it didn't look like he wanted to kill him. It was because these two were frolicking on the beach that Flight 815 was brought down. So the question you must ask yourself now is, was it an accident or was it fate? Did Kelvin know that the rip in his suit would lure Desmond out of the hatch thus leaving no one to push the button? That may become a new theory for season three.

...uh what number am I on?...*scrolling back up*...oh yes! (This short list is getting long).

4. This whispers are back. I didn't capture the audio, but I did listen to that scene a few times and it sounds like I heard one of the whispers say, "Elizabeth. Hit 'em!" I couldn't make out the other whisper when Jack screams, "Run!"

5. The Rock. Here's a capture from last week.

I will try to post another capture this weekend. It's looks like something you would see at Stonehenge.

6. The Pneumatic Tubes (which would have been the name of my band if I had one back in the 80's. We would have toured with the Producers and Missing Persons...sorry, my brain is melting).

I stand corrected. The Pearl ("?") was the psychological experiment and The Swan button really did need to be pushed in order to release the magnetic pressure that would build up every 108 minutes.

7. Fenry Gale... and yes, I meant to spell it like that. It's his new trendy celebrity nick name. So is this guy HIM? The one in charge. He jumped Zeke's ass about the beard like Tommy Hilfiger jumped Axl Rose the other night (did you here that story? Ask me about it later.) Fenry sure acted like he was the man. And around the same time, thanks to a slip up from Miss Klugh, we learned that Mr. Friendly's real name is Tom. He also removes his beard when pressured by Kate.

8. Compass bearing 325. That's the way they tell Michael to go to get rescued. It's North West btw.

9. Libby.

I read somewhere that Libby was married to Widmore. However, she says her husband who just passed away a month ago was named David. She seemed like she was on the verge of depression. Maybe that is why she ended up in the asylum with Hurley. That and the fact that she gave a complete stranger her boat, which her late husband named after her, "Elizabeth."

10. Charles Widmore

You've seen and read the name throughout season two: Widmore Labs & Widemore Construction. What an ass. He intercepted all of the correspondence that Desmond sent to Penny, his daughter, and he really didn't want Desmond in her life at all. I'm not sure if you caught it, but the race around the world was sponsored by Widmore. Desmond wanted to get back his honor by winning the race.

11. The fate of Desmond, Locke, and Eko. Charlie made it out ok. I'll guess we'll have to wait until September to see who survived the magnetic pulse, as well as, what happens to Jack, Kate, and Sawyer as they go home with the Others/Hostiles.

12. The ending.
The two Siberian (and I'm only speculating as to where they actually were) Scientists discover the magnetic anomaly and call Penny. They say, "I think we've found IT."

They didn't say "him" they said "IT." Is she trying to locate the island to find Desmond, whom she loved and would wait forever for, or do you think she's deeper than that? Maybe trying to take down the Dharma Initiative, Hanso, and her father's company (like Persephone is in the Lost Experience game). Just laying down some ground work for season three.

I have had a great time the last few months analyzing and blogging about this show. This is actually more than I have ever written in my life. It's funny how when you get older, you discover new things. I am reading more than I ever have as well as writing now. I read an article in Entertainment Weekly that quoted Damon Lindelof as saying that part of the show is about self-discovery. Well, I've made some major self discoveries of my own. Thanks LOST... and thanks to everyone who reads this ( and calls me to let me know I haven't updated the blog yet). You inspire and motivate me.


Thursday, May 18, 2006

LOST "Three Minutes" Airdate: May 17, 2006

NOTE: Uuuuuugh... I am so far behind. I started this blog last Thursday morning thinking that I would be able to finish, and now it's Wednesday morning...the day of the finale. I totally lost steam as the weekend went on, but hopefully I will finish today.

Three minutes was the amount of time that Michael was given with Walt. This episode could have been also been titled, " They're Not Who They Say They Are...They're Pretending." Well then who the hell are these "Others?" As I piece together the few clues that I have gathered, the "Others" are clean-cut, well dressed, doctors/scientists who like to dress up in rags and pretend to be castaways. But why the charade? Is it part of a bigger psychological experiment? It's seems this blog entry will pose more questions than answers... but, then again, what's new?

One question I had prior to this episode was answered concerning how they would explain Walt's growth and voice change during his hiatus as he hit puberty. It appeared to me that his voice was over dubbed using a younger sounding kid, or maybe they recorded stuff with him last year before he disappeared. Also, I forgot that Hollywood can make you as short or as tall as they want. Take Tom Cruise, he always looks taller than his co-stars, and he is a little dude.

As Micheal was taken to the Other's beach side camp, he sees the rock with the hole in the middle that Walt tells him about via the computer (if that was in fact Walt conversing with him).

It looks like some sort of symbol. Has anyone run across any explanation of this rock?

The Others' base camp is very primitive, but why? Why the masquerade? Is it part of standard Dharma/Hanso operating procedure to create the illusion that the Others are castaways whenever the initiative is compromised? When Alex (Roussea's daughter)and Michael are in the woods,

She tells Michael that he's [Mr. Friendly/Zeke] just delivering a message and he has to scare them to do it. Fear. The Others are using fear as a weapon/defense to keep the survivors at bay. Take the torch scene as an example:

"Light 'em up!!!" Just before the meeting with Mr. Friendly and the Flight 815 survivors, he instructs Pickett to get the torches ready. I only counted about 6 Others. So the whole torch scene was yet another illusion to instill fear, huh?

The woman in charge of the Others camp calls her self Miss Clue (or is it Klugh?) I don't see her listed in the IMDB list of characters, so I'm not 100% sure of how she spells her name. It might be important (ie. Ethan Rom = Other Man). She seemed to know a lot about Michael's relationship to Walt, as well as info on the other survivors. I wonder if she heads up the black smoke project that we haven't seen since it read Eko's mind. She also says "for someone who wants his son back so badly, you don't seem to know a lot about him." That was after she drills him with several scientific/medical questions regarding Walt. That comment was similar to something the attorney said to Michael in another episode. I need to back track and see if I can locate exactly what was said.

A little later, when Michael gets to see Walt (who starts spilling the beans about the Others), Miss Clue threatens Walt with, "You don't want me to put you in the room again, do you?" What is this "room" and where is it? Do you think it could be the hatch that was guarded by the two armed men?

And are they guarding the door to keep people out, or keep what ever is behind it in? If you recall, there was some sort of monster that pulls the pilot out of the plane in the very first episode. Maybe they have some sort of genetic animal mutation experiment gone wrong held captive. I have a feeling that the room Miss Clue (Klugh) spoke about will be important in the finale.

Also during the scene with Walt and Michael, Walt breaks away from Pickett and runs to Michael to hug him. He whispers something muffled into Michael's ear. I played the audio file over and over and over and it sounds like he says, "They're mutants." I'm sure it's just me over analyzing the show again, but there was just something that stood out in that portion of audio.

After they take Walt away, Clue knows she has broken Michael and he is willing to do anything to get Walt back. In comes the list:

I can understand why they would want Jack, Kate, & Sawyer. They have somewhat moved into a leadership role among the survivors, but why would they want Hurley/Hugo? Is it because of his connection with Leonard in the nut house? Or are they wanting to experiment on someone who is feeling hurt and rage inside because they just lost someone they love?

A few other things (as I try to wrap this up and get back to work)

Check out the gun that Pickett uses to shoot at Michael in the clearing.

It's a German Luger.

There have been some theories posted in the forums that the entire Hanso Foundation may be some sort of Natzi/Neo-Natzi run program. I even thought at one time that the Dharma Initiative may be an American Military run project because of some subtle clues in earlier episodes. The Luger would not have been standard US military issue obviously, so that sort of debunks that theory of mine. The Luger would not have been issued at all recently because it's such a rare gun. Sure, collectors can still find them and there have been some replicas produced. I wonder if the Others ran across a secret stash on the island that has been there since WWI & II? Hmmmmmmm...?

Did you notice that Eko's cross did the same thing that Jack's key did earlier in the season as he entered the hatch?

The big magnetic field was pulling on it. I'm still not sure what that means. Eko seems content on moving into his new "bachelor pad" as Charlie gets pissed at him for not finishing the church. Charlie did complete his 12 steps as he threw the heroin into the ocean, and it looks like he has made amends with Claire.

I'll give you one guess who's on the boat, brotha.

I'll give you another guess as to who the original owner of the boat is/was. We will find out in the first hour of the season finale through the flashbacks of the guy who is on the boat.

I know I said when I started this blog that I wanted to stay away from spoilers, but I just couldn't take it anymore...I had to know how this season ends. I read a few different endings on several spoiler sites. I'm not sure which one to believe, but if any of the info I read holds true, the season finale will be one hell of an episode. And like the promo says, we will get the answers to a few of questions:
1. What happens when the countdown runs out and they don't push the button?
2. Why did Oceanic Flight 815 crash?
3. Who are the Others?

Here's to tonight!

Thursday, May 11, 2006

LOST "?" Airdate: May 10, 2006

Preface: Please accept my apologies. I started this entry last Thursday and was never able to get back to it due to my hectic schedule...sorry!


[stretch]...*yawn*...Ok, I think I'm ready to do this. My brain doesn't seem to be functioning all that well this morning. It must still be over analyzing this episode of Lost. I wasn't sure how to craft this entry this morning because there was so much information that I got from the show last night. I guess I should just start with Mr. Eko since the show revolved around him.

The last time we saw some of Eko's back story, his brother, a real priest, was shot and put on a drug plane that was leaving Nigeria. I believe I posed the theory that it was at that point that Eko turned to Christ. However, we learn in "?" that he had fake papers and passport, and he was living as a fake priest in Australia. I can only theorize that he assumed his brothers identity at the airport that day to save his own ass. I have a screen capture of the passport, but I can not read the name all that well. Eko's brother is Yemi. I'll have to track down a Hi-Def screen capture to see if I can read the name on the passport.

The viewers now know that Eko is definitely a penitent man, but when did he stop being a "fake priest" and turn his life over to God? Was it at the airport when the girl who miraculously came back to life confronted him with a message from his brother on the other side? Or was it when the plane crashed? He did take a 40 day vow of silence after he killed two "Others" the first night, so we can assume that he was a believer then.

The "miracle" girl autopsy tape was really creepy. I posted it in my last blog entry if you really want to hear it again. She was obviously dead if she was sitting on an autopsy table about to be cut open. I wonder why her father, the psychic, was trying to downplay the incident and get Eko out of there. Do you think he may have seen something about him when he read Claire in season one? He claimed he was a fraud, but I think that was just to get Eko out of there and on to Flight 815. If there had been a church investigation, Eko would have not been on that flight. Does that make Eko the key as to why the plane was brought down? It's extremely difficult to narrow it down to just one person, and I don't think we're supposed to. (*cheesy movie trailer voice guy - "Fate brought them together. Love will tear them apart...")

I have a feeling the psychic, his character name is Richard Malkin, will have played a bigger role than we expected in getting Claire, Eko, and who knows who else on the plane when all is revealed. Perhaps he works for Hanso, Widmore, Dharma, etc.

I need to go back to season one and watch the scene where Boone dies. From what I remember, he was in the plane which was situated on the cliff that Eko climbs. Did Boone look like he saw the question mark before the plane fell? Eko asks Locke what made the plane fall, to which Locke responded, "Boone made it fall. And then he died. A sacrifice that the island demanded." Eko: "What?" Locke: "Oh nothing." Locke still seems to know more about what is going on than he appears to know... However, I thought it was really stupid of him to send his hatch map up the pneumatic tube in the Pearl.

Even though this new hatch ("?"/The Pearl) appeared to have been abandoned for some time and the plane covered the main entrance (I say "main entrance" because there may be other ways to access each hatch that the survivors don't know about yet), I wonder if someone may have been watching Michael to make sure he carried out his mission. There was a close up of some cigarette butts, but that doesn't definitively place someone in the hatch recently. In the Pearl, Locke & Eko discover a new training film which basically rendered the button in the Swan Hatch useless. The training video claims that it is/was just a psychological experiment and those assigned to the Pearl were to observe and report on the Swan. This is something that I have thought all along...BUT, as John is totally losing faith in himself and the button, Eko says that the work John has been doing is "now more important than ever. We are being tested." Eko is even willing to take over entering the numbers and pushing the button. I'm so freakin' confused at this point.

The Pearl training video also mentions something about shift change... Participants in the experiment were to report to a ferry which would carry them to where they were staying. I do believe we will see that ferry in tomorrow night's Three Minutes.

A Few other things:

- Libby does try to call out Michael as her killer to no avail.
- Eko is building a church because he was told to do so in a dream.
- Eko performs the Last Rites on Ana-Lucia. The fake priest didn't totally waste his time in the seminary.
- The stash of guns, drugs, and such was right under Sawyer.

Timeline question and answer: Steve and I were discussing the psychic last week and he proposed that maybe he really was a fraud and that Claire came to him after Eko and Richard did see something when he read Claire. I thought about this for a while and re-watched Raised By Another from season one and came to the conclusion that Claire visited the psychic before Eko. She was barely pregnant when she went to him. She is a lot further along in her pregnancy when Flight 815 crashes. Eko, on the other hand, visits the psychic within days of getting on the doomed flight.

Did I get everything? I'm looking forward to the next episode, Three Minutes. We will find out what happened to Michael when he ran off into the woods in search of Walt. I hear we will even get to see Walt again who will be older and taller. I wonder how they will explain that?

I have another really busy week, but hopefully I will be able to get to the blog before the weekend kicks in. Thanks for reading.

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

LOST "?" Airdate: May 10, 2006

I am exhausted, but I wanted to get some stuff up for the folks who read my blog early in the morning when they get to work. I will discuss the episode in more detail after I have had a good night sleep.

It was another great episode and I can't wait for the season finale on the 24th. I pretty much ruined it for myself when I read a spoiler earlier today. I just wanted to see if this guy who was posting on a MySpace group was on the money... and he WAS. I knew about the new hatch discovery as well as Libby's death at the end. Speaking of the new hatch, (? = Pearl), I captured the new training video here. I have a feeling the full video without the cut-a-ways to Locke and Ecko will be hidden on the new website that was advertised at the end of the new Hanso TV Commercial. It's for those playing the game. I unlocked the subLYMONal code, but I'm not yet sure what to do with it and the Hanso site is down...or just bombarded.

We did get to see Claire's Psychic friend again and he was connected to Ecko. Here's a capture:

And here are a two from season one's Raised By Another:

While I was pulling captures from season one, I came across a pic that I saw posted on another forum recently. Claire's boyfriend is in his art studio. The art looks familiar, almost as if he were the hatch painter...hmmmmmm.

I don't have a good close up shot of him, but he does look like a young Fake Henry Gale.

One more thing before I check out for the night. I don't know if it will come into play at all, but I found the Autopsy Tape really creepy. I just felt compelled to post it.

The more I listen to it, the more unprofessional the coroner sounds as he flirts with his assistant.

That should get you through the morning. There is so much more to discuss. *yawn* I am toast. I'll post again tomorrow.

Saturday, May 06, 2006

The Lost Experience

So what exactly is the LOST Experience? It's a game. And interactive alternate reality game that started this past Wednesday when they ran a Hanso Foundation TV ad during a real commercial break. A game that I knew nothing about. I guess I was so busy analyzing each show that I missed the announcement of the game. Damn! Damn! Damn! I'm always late to the table! At least I did jump in fairly early. The story line of the game will stay true to the show, but will go more in depth and introduce some new being Persephone, who seems intent on taking down Hanso from the inside and exposing the company for what it really is. There is no prize for solving the game, but the writers have promised that players will learn extra deep dark secrets of the island.

I posted an earlier link to The Lost Experience. This is a supplemental website that coincides with the game. It is not an official ABC sanctioned website, but I do believe it is run by The Tail Section, which I have found very informative and reliable. I don't foresee them posting false information.

In the E! Online article that I will post below, they say that anyone can play the game, even if you have never seen the show. The information given will be different on each continent, so the key to solving the mystery will be to share info with each other. Feel free to ask or share via this blog, or visit my MySpace page.

Here's a little something to get you started:
- The U.S. phone number for the Hanso Foundation is 1-877-HANSORG (426-7674)
- When you call, click through the various options. You should hear the hidden message from Persephone and it will provide you with the password you need for the Hanso website.
- For those who don't have the time or patience, the password is: breaking strain.
- Sign up for e-mail on the Hanso site and you'll see what happens.
- Once you have entered the password, you will be able to search for Easter Eggs.
- Happy Hunting!

Here's the E! article:

ABC Gives Fans a "Lost Experience"

by Natalie Finn
Apr 24, 2006, 6:20 PM PT
ABC has devised a way to keep fans of its hit show confused, guessing and on the edge of their seats during the lazy days of summer reruns. The network announced Monday the creation of an interactive multiplatform treasure-hunt game called Lost Experience that will introduce a new story line but stay true to Lost's signature mix of supernatural and psychological mystery.
The Lost Experience will require players to trade email messages and phone calls and check out billboards, TV commercials and Websites to gather all the necessary clues.
The game's premise will be rooted in Lost history, but ABC said that you don't need to have watched the show to get in on the game, which will feature new characters and delve deeper into the manipulative Hanso Foundation that was introduced in season two as the benefactor of the button-pushing Dharma Initiative. (Well, watching a few episodes beforehand couldn't hurt...)
There is no grand prize for those who manage to piece the puzzle together, but ABC promises that those who play will end up learning some of the island's better-kept secrets.
"Cutting edge technology has vaulted us into a new era," ABC Entertainment President Steve McPherson said in a statement. "Audiences are demanding greater depth of content and more creative ways of storytelling."
In a savvy stroke of synergy, the game's first clue, in the form of a toll-free number that you must call, will air during a May 3 Lost episode. The first clues for Others in the U.K. and Australia are being released May 2 and May 6, respectively.
One of the most exciting parts of the Lost Experience will be the interaction it fosters among people all over the world, according to Michael Benson, a senior VP at ABC. He said that Lost's writers, not ABC marketers, were responsible for plotting the game's course. More than 20 broadcastes on five continents will air the series of clues in different ways and ABC would like to see fans reaching out to each other to stay up to date on the latest Lost Experience info.
"We wanted to tell stories in a nontraditional way," Lost writer and executive producer Carlton Cuse told the New York Times, "and there were certain stories that Damon [Lindeloff] and I were interested in telling that don't exactly fit into the television show."
Luckily the worry that something might not fit hasn't stopped them from adding a host of complicated back stories, symbolism and numerical puzzles to the show for fans to writhe in exhilarated anticipation over.
"We purposely design the show with a big amount of ambiguity so people can theorize about what a certain scene means," Cuse said. "This allows the fans to participate in the process of discovery."
Cuse also offered viewers a tip for starting the Lost Experience off on the right foot:
"Watch the May 3 episode very carefully. You can TiVo it, but don't skip the commercials.
"You have to give the audience something to connect to," Benson told the New York Times. "I want to prove to the audience that this is something they will enjoy, that is organic to the show. I don't want the audience to feel like 'they are just selling to me or marketing to me.'"
This is not the first time that Lost has sent its faithful to other media platforms in search of answers. To up the eerie factor, the show's team created a website for Oceanic Airlines, whose doomed Flight 815 made our castaways Lost in the first place.
"What we discovered was that by creating additional content for this show, we could creative a marketing tool that would have fans more invested in the program, and if it was cool they'd share with their friends," Benson said.
ABC also announced earlier this month that it is making new episodes of Lost, Desperate Housewives, Alias and Commander in Chief, available in May for free online viewing, although fans will have to sit through ads that they can avoid if they download commercial-free shows for $1.99 per episode from Apple's iTunes Music Store.
Lost, which has averaged 15.4 million viewers this season and is one of iTune's most popular TV downloads to date, will leave viewers staring into the dark hatch of summer hiatus with a two-hour season finale May 24.

Thursday, May 04, 2006

Easter Egg on The Hanso Site

Two great new sites have just launched to keep our minds occupied during the Summer hiatus. I'm sure more sites will be popping up. Just make sure that the mock company sites are ABC sanctioned and the Easter Eggs and info contained therein will most likely be correct. Beware of fake sites that will inevitably show up as well.

The Lost Experience

The Hanso Foundation

The following is a kick-ass Easter Egg that I transcribed from the Hanso site:

GWC 19 September 2005
Global Welfare Consortium
RUE Grande 1623
1221 Geneva 27

To: Dr. Roderick Johnson, M.D., Ph.D., Clinical Director,
Centers for Disease Control

From: GWC Executive Committee
RE: Violation of Ethical Guidelines/ The Hanso Life-Extension Project

CC: Mr. Peter Thompson, Vice President, General Counsel,The Hanso Foundation; Hugh McInTyre, Vice President andCommunications Director, The Hanso Foundation

Dr. Johnson:

We have received word of an unfortunate and most alarming issue in the past days concerning research operations by The Hanso Foundation in the sub-Saharan region of Africa. Sadly, we have exhausted our mandate as a watchdog organization and must petition you for a formal investigation.

It has come to our attention that a new strain of meningococcal disease has been reported in the coastal villages of the United Republic of Tanzania. This strain is particularly alarming in that it has successfully breached the simian/homo sapiens barrier

As the enclosed documentation and correspondence demonstrate, we have repeatedly asked the executive board of The Hanso Foundation for assistance in determining the possible correlation between the outbreak of this and transgenic disease and the research being conducted on primates in their Experimental Station in Zanzibar. As our requests have met with utter and complete disregard, we feel we have no other choice than to demand your immediate intervention.

As the Hanso Foundation is using primates to research gene therapies intended for human use, the correlation should be obvious.

Considering the alarming nature of this outbreak and the mounting death toll it is imperative that The Hanso Foundation immediately open the doors of their Experimental Station for inspection and, should a link be found between their work and this disease, cease and desist their activities immediately.

Thank you for your prompt attention to this matter.
Lives are at stake.

Monsieur Jaques Maillott
Director General, GWC Executive Committee

LOST "Two For The Road" Airdate: May 3, 2006

I'm having a hard time finding time today to post. There is so much to discuss and so little time in my day.

"Whatcha gonna do now muchacha?"

I did catch a Canadian TV promo last week that showed Ana-Lucia with Jack's Dad at a bar, and with Sawyer..uh.. frolicking in the woods...would that be a good way to describe it?...uh...Bushwhacking?... Teeing off in the rough? Do you really think there was any love there at all? Or was Ana running the seduction to get the gun?

Even though the last five minutes WAS the show, let me back up to the beginning and make sure I didn't miss anything...of course, I'm sure I did.

Ana's mom knows it was her who killed the man who shot her [Ana] and killed her unborn child. Ana quits the police force and becomes and airport screener. It's there that she meets Jack's Dad, Dr. Christian just Christian Shephard at this point because he said he had quit being a doctor. Christian "Tom" Shephard talks Ana-Lucia "Sarah" Cortez into going to Australia with him as his personal security. He said what he had to do there was dangerous, but all we were privy to was Christian trying to see his daughter from an affair he had with an Aussie. Alright! With that being said, who is the "daughter?" I'm thinking Claire, but I need to watch her backstory again. And why did it take four days of heavy drinking before Christian made his move? What was he waiting on? Who was he trying to avoid? Was the "danger" he spoke of a disgruntled husband? An unforgiving person maybe? Something to ponder.

Also, Pasty Cline's "Walking After Midnight" was playing on the car radio. This was also playing in "What Kate Did" back in November. If my memory serves me correctly, it was also playing in the truck when Kate was riding with the farmer who took her in. His name escapes me. It was right before the Marshal catches up to her. Is this a timeline cue. Pasty Cline was on the radio at the same time when Kate was being caught and when Christian was trying to connect with his long lost daughter.

It was also rather humorous to see Christian open his door into Sawyer. That was a blatant character crossing. As was Jack, Anna, and Jin in line at the airport when Jack was trying to get his deceased father on an earlier flight.

Back in the hatch, Fake Henry confesses to Locke that he has failed his mission...

Damn! Out of time. I'll have to pick this back up at home. Sorry for the delay, but I just found a major Easter Egg of The Hanso Foundation website. I'll post it in a little while.

Ok, I'm back. Hours have past and I thought that I would never get back to my blog. If you are reading this for the first time then no time has passed at all. We're back in good ol' 1955 and Doc has just fallen off of his toilet and came up with the idea for the flux capacitor...oh wait...sorry.

Where was I? Oh yes! Fake Henry confessed to Locke that he has failed his mission. When he was caught in Rousseau's trap, he was coming for Locke. As Aaron brought up on my earlier post, I have mentioned the whole good/bad thing before. The Others seem to be after the good survivors (those with no skeletons in their closets; those who are pure of heart)and could care less about the bad survivors (those who have killed). That's why they took the children.

I'm not sure if the "Say Anything" movie reference by Hurley has any significance other than confirming that he loves Libby. When John Cusak's character,Lloyd holds the boom box over his head, he professes his love for Diane (Ione Skye).

It seemed to me that Jack was trying to make good with Locke and they were patching some of their issues up.

Now, let's get into Michael's head. At first I thought he may have been brainwashed by the Others. After further review, I pretty sure he is being forced to carry out a mission: rescue Fake Henry, infiltrate the survivors, and lead them back to the Others. For a man who wants nothing more than to get his son back, this mission is a test for Michael to prove that he is worthy to get Walt back. He does apologize to Ana before he shoots her. He also shoots Libby because she just happens to be in the wrong place at the wrong time. He can have no witnesses in order to carry out the plan. Libby is credited as being the next episode, "?," so she may not die right away. They do say, "She's dead" in the promo for next weeks show and it looks like they are folding Ana's arms on the floor. So maybe Ana is the only one to die and Libby is saved by whatever may have been between the blankets she was carrying.

Michael also describes the Others as dirty tent dwellers who are living off of dried fish. We saw the rags and fake beards during "Maternity Leave," so maybe there are two sets of Others. Then again he just may be setting up the survivors by making the think that they can take 'em out. He also mentions the next hatch. I have seen the next training film and that hatch deals with marine life experiments. The training film is no longer available on the site where I first discovered it. I bet it is hidden on the Hanso Foundation website. I'll get into that and post the Easter Egg that I found today in my next blog entry.

Another thought is that Michael carries out this mission to prove his worthiness, but will side with the survivors when the battle begins. *cueing up Crowded House's "Don't Dream It's Over" in the background*

"Two For The Road"

The title of this episode is quite fitting since the two who were shot and presumably killed were the same two arrested for DUI. There were rumors dating back to February that Ana would be killed off not only for the DUI, but because there reports that she was very hard to work with on the set. Although, Michelle Rodriguez said in a TV interview this morning that she knew she would be killed off when she signed her contract. She was not able to tell anyone... not even the other actors. Is this her way of saving face? That's yet to be seen and may never be. If she's not sitting in a seat at the Lost reunion, we'll then know.

When Ana tosses Henry a knife, he recognizes it as Goodwin's. That's why he brings him up and talks about how Goodwin said he could change her. Why couldn't she kill him? Maybe it wasn't too late for Ana. Maybe she could be changed.

It really blew my mind when Michael shot Ana and Libby. I thought for sure they would save any other major events for the season finale. But I guess that would have been cliche... and this show is anything but.

One other thing before I begin a new post to discuss and direct you to a few new websites, the combination to the armory is 18-R, 1-L, 31-R. I don't really know the significance. I just thought it was neat that they gave it out. Sorry it took me so long to get this entry in. Let me know what I missed.

LOST "Two For The Road" Airdate: May 3, 2006

I only have a few minutes this morning and I will do a more in depth entry later today... I just couldn't wait... Holy [expletive deleted]!!!! Holy [expletive deleted]!!! I can't [expletive deleted] believe it!!! It was back in February that Mike sent me an e-mail of the rumor that was circulating which said they were going to kill off Ana-Lucia. A few weeks later, I read a JJ Abrams article which spun the rumor. He said that they weren't going to kill her. I thought for sure they would wait until the finale to kill of anyone. What an episode!!! The promo for next week confirms that at least one of them is dead. It looked like Ana laying out on the floor. There was no mention of Libby in the promo and she is listed in the IMDB as being in the "?" episode. I read somewhere that Libby's alter-ego Cynthia Watros has accepted a starring role on another series so she will most likely be "killed-off."

What an ingenious plan! Michael shoots himself in the arm and Fake Henry escapes. It will look like Fake Henry killed Ana and shot Libby and Michael. Thus leaving Michael as the trusted infiltrator. So what do you think? Was he brainwashed? Or forced to carry out a mission in order to get his son back? I'll discuss everything more in depth a little bit later this morning.

Did you catch the Hanso Foundation commercial? I thought it was very slick that they snuck it into a real commercial break. I'm just glad I wasn't down stairs at the time digging through the freezer looking for the last fudgecicle (if that's how you even spell it). They have re-revamped the Hanso Foundation Website. There is a ton of Easter eggs on the site. I got the password yesterday by listening to the voice mailboxes boxes at a UK number. I didn't know they would give out an American phone number last night. I am still exploring the site and I will not give you the password. Have a little fun trying to find it and if you wear yourself out, e-mail me and I'll help you out. Just remember the name "Persephone." Here's the TV ad with the U.S. phone number.

I'll be back later this morning.