Wednesday, November 30, 2005

LOST: "Collision" Airdate: November 23, 2005

I know it's taken me a while to post something on "Collision." The fact is I didn't really get much from it. Sure we officially found out that Anna was a cop, but I've known that for the past few weeks... I inadvertently clicked on an undisclosed spoiler. We also know now that Anna was pregnant, but lost the child when she was shot. I wonder if it's the decision(s) in life that our Lostaways (as they are being called now) make that lead to them not being on "the list" that Goodwin mentioned in "The Other 48 Days." Anna decided to track and kill the man who killed her unborn baby; Jack had to choose whether to save Shannon's dad or his future wife; tonight we should learn the path that Kate chooses during "What Kate Did." There still so much more to learn as we dig deeper into each character. I also just read that this will be the last episode of this year. Expect some sort of cliffhanger ending.There will be no new LOST for the next six weeks so that they can run Christmas specials on ABC... Bummer. Well, don't get me wrong, I love Christmas... It's just that my LOST addiction runs deep.

Here's something to show you just how sad I have become. The morning after Thanksgiving, I was in Kroger picking up some breakfast supplies. The store was nearly empty except for the couple at the register checking out. As the cashier ran the items across the scanner, the "beep" that echoed through the store was the same "beep" that sounds when the Hatch numbers near zero. I swear. Check it out for yourself the next time you are in Kroger. I wonder if the production team recorded that sound at a Hawaiian grocery store?

Thursday, November 17, 2005

LOST: "The Other 48 Days" Airdate: Nov. 16, 2005

I stand corrected. Anna DID shoot Shannon. I accepted that Shannon was dead, but I still didn't think that Anna shot her. Now I know. And now that we have seen the plight of the other survivors, we have a lot more to "feed the fire." There are new theories popping up about the island, new discussions. I tagged Goodwin as the spy early on because there was just something in his eyes that wasn't right. I didn't even notice that he was dry until Anna mentions it. Then again, he could have ended up like Bernard (stuck in a tree) and that would have explained why he was dry. The scene that really raised an eyebrow was when Anna confronts Goodwin. Here are some links to the audio from that scene:

Why are They attacking us?
Sure seemed like they used the same precision as a Military Special Op... Divide and conquer! First they took the strong survivors that posed a threat, then came back later for the "good" people..the people on "The List."

Where did they get the Knife?
There's a 20 year old US Army knife that "you don't see anymore" found on one of the "Others." Possible theories: There was a US Military special operation in which a small group was sent in to shut down the Dharma Initiative, but they fell victim to the experiment themselves. This might explain the incident that was mentioned in the training film. OR, it was always a military experiment. The experiment just went awry... or maybe it's still going on to this day.

Caught in a lie
Busted! Anna plays her hand well. I read a post on one of the LOST forums that claimed that Anna was a cop. We may find this out as her character develops and we get to view some of her flashbacks. I have a feeling her training goes beyond that of a police officer. Her style seems more militaristic. She seems to have a grasp on the situation. And the fact that she can recall what time she saw Goodwin and how he appeared after falling from the sky in a horrific plane crash, leads me to believe that she has experience and training in dealing with high-stress situations.

Where are they?
"Nathan wasn't a good person. That's why he wasn't on the list." Good person is defined here as................? Hmmmmmmmmm. THEY only took the "Good" people. Were these "good people" pure of heart with nothing to hide in their pasts? Were they "good" for the experiment because they possessed certain traits or gifts? And what the hell did they do to them when they took 'em? I could ponder this all day.

In conclusion...because I feel like I'm writing a freakin' thesis, but I had to get these thoughts out of my head before it popped... it appears that there is more than one set of "Others." On one side of the island the Others are more pirate-like; on the other side, they are more supernatural, ghost-like. Are they one-in-the-same? All part of the experiment?

Oh wait! I thought I was done, but I wanted to mention something I saw in the promo for next weeks show. Anna fires again and it looks like she shot Sayid. We all know that she was out of ammo, so I'm thinking that they are setting us up again by showing us a clip from a dream sequence in which Sayid takes the bullet for Shannon. Just something to watch for next week.

Wednesday, November 16, 2005

LOST "Abandoned" and "The Other 48 Days"

Ya hear that? That's the sound of me reeling myself back in. I haven't really weighed in on "Abandoned" because I wasn't taking things for what they were. Like the millions of LOST conspiracy theorists across the country (world, even), I too have fallen victim to the show. After reading many different forum posts, listening to the official podcast, and reading a ton of news reports, I have come to the unfortunate realization that Shannon really is dead. Even though the writers/producers have mislead us before (i.e. Jin speaking English in a show promo turned out to be only in Hurly's dream sequence) and there is so much symbolism in the show, "what-you-see-is-what-you-get" in this episode. ALTHOUGH, I am still not convinced that Anna shot Shannon. The way they set up the scenes, you never see Anna in the same scene with Shannon and Sayid... you only see an arm. It could have been anyone's arm. Uh oh, here I go again. Let me pull myself together.

LOST is such a fun show to watch and analyze. I can't wait to see how it all ends and how everything will finally come together. I wonder when that will be? "The Other 48 Days" airs tonight and we will find out what happened to the tailies, and what Anna meant by "They" TOOK three and then TOOK nine more. She never they were killed, just that they were taken. I'm curious as to what that means. Brainwashing? Re-programming? Hmmmmmm.

I didn't see any clips posted on the AOL site for "The Other 48 Days," but I have a few other links to post:

USA Today Article on Michelle Rodriguez
(If it asks for any kind of User Name/Password, try: Bug Me Not)

The Official Lost Podcast

Thursday, November 10, 2005

LOST "Abandoned" Airdate: November 9, 2005

Here's a question I got this morning via e-mail from a friend:

From: Aaron Elya []
Sent: Thursday, November 10, 2005 10:53 AM
To: Tripp West
Subject: Do you think...

....Do you think Anna shot Shannon? I don't think she did. If she only had one bullet left, why would she still have the gun up and pointed? There's something weird about that.

Also, I'd be willing to bet that Libby is one of "the others". I don't trust her.


My response:

I'll have to check the tape. I recorded the show to my camera and will be kicking out a DVD this weekend. It looked to me that Anna's gun chamber was open as if she fired the last shot. I thought I only heard 1 shot. If there were two, there could be a couple of theories: (1) Shannon shot herself with Sayid's gun that he pulled out of his pants (the one that came out before his "other" gun). We never saw the gun after that scene, did we? She seemed pretty down on herself. Self-inflicted stomach wounds are usually from suicidal people who crave attention rather than death. You can die from it, but it's usually long and painful. (2) Someone else shot Shannon and Anna shot at that person or thing. There was absolutely no closure in that scene. That is what leads me to believe that it's not Shannon who will be "Lost forever." Next weeks episode goes back to the beginning and tells the story of the other survivors. So we'll have to wait to see if she really did die. That's exactly what the writers want. It keeps us speculating and keeps us talking about it... and everyone knows the best form of advertising is word of mouth.

Wednesday, November 09, 2005

LOST "Abandoned" Airdate: November 9, 2005

I am going to need a few hours to digest this epsiode while I sleep. I have to be up at 4:30am Thursday, but I wanted to go ahead and post what Walt says in reverse. Here's a link to the clip:


There is more hidden in the voices that Anna and the other survivors hear in the woods, as well as what Sayid & Shannon hear. I can't quite make it out. The rain in the one scene over powers what the voices are saying when played backward. In the scene with Anna, Michael and other survivors, it seems that one of the voices says, "Hide Now," or "Time To Hide Now." I'll try to clean up the audio and get it posted.

Monday, November 07, 2005

Have I "Abandoned" my BLOG?

NOOOOOO. There just wasn't anything to discuss. LOST was on a two week hiatus, spoilers were running rampant on the internet as to WHO was going to die in the November 9th episode, and I was curled up in the fetal position in the corner of my bedroom suffering from LOST withdrawl. Actually, I joined the GHOST HUNTERS forum because they shot their Halloween espisode in my home town of Savannah, Georgia. It ran Halloween night on the SCI-FI Channel. Pretty good episode IMHO and, once again, I am off topic.

I think the wording in the trailer for this weeks episode says something like, " of these castaways will be LOST forever..." It really leaves things open-ended. It doesn't say that someone will die, just that someone will be "lost forever." Everyone assumes that a major character will die in Wednesday's episode. That seems to have been the talk around the many LOST forums for the past several weeks. I read a few spoilers, but I'm not buying it. It doesn't make sense to me that they would kill this person off right now. Unless we find out, as the plot progresses, that the island is able to bring people back from the dead.

Walt makes another appearence on Wednesday. So if you have the equipment to capture the audio on your computer and then reverse it, you'll be able to translate any of the possible backwards-talk. I'll try to do it and have it posted after the show. I am looking forward to getting back into the show.