Tuesday, February 28, 2006

LOST Extra

I am very excited about the new episode tomorrow (or tonight if you are reading this late). "Maternity Leave" should be another exciting episode, but I don't really want to discuss anything until after the show. I did, however want to post something else.

Steve asked me about this last week and I have received numerous e-mails inquiring about the Phantom that shows up in the very first episode. I can not take credit for the find because I remember seeing the screen capture a long time ago on one of the forums that I frequent. It was so long ago that I couldn't locate it to post... So I ripped the scene myself and slowed it down a few times in this vignette. Watch the right hand corner of the screen.

Lost Link

Saturday, February 18, 2006

Lost "One of Them" Airdate: Feb. 15, 2006

Finally, I found a few minutes to discuss this weeks episode. It's been a busy week, but at least it gave me a couple of days to ponder and digest "One of Them." I really wanted to post some screen captures, but my DVR crashed and I lost the entire episode, and my other screen cap source will not be posting because they are on vacation. I'll have to search around to see if I can find other captures because it will help solidify a few things. Things like the symbols that show up on the hatch clock when the time runs out; the look/smirk on Henry Gales face after he took that beating from Sayid; the guy in the back of the military transport who was looking at a picture of a girl.

In case you didn't notice, that was Kate's dad in the military transport with Sayid. He wasn't her biological father (as we learned a few episodes back), but the man she thought to be her real dad. The girl in his picture was Kate. Assuming that Kate is around 28 presently on the island, she would have been around 15 in the picture. Let me break it down with some TV math: they established the flashback time line to be 1991, during Desert Storm; the Oceanic crash occurred in 2004 and since they have only been on the island for 50+ days, present day for the Losties still falls in 2004; 2004-1991 = 13 years - 28 = 15... 15 is one of the "numbers," but I'm not trying to draw any weird conclusions. I'm only trying to set up a time line. So now Sayid is connected to Kate through her dad.

All of the characters seem to be connected. Sawyer met Jack's dad and was the last person to see him alive. Sawyer was also served coffee by Kate's mom in the Long Con flashback last week. Jack was connected to Shannon. When he chose to save his future wife, the man who died was Mr. Rutherford, Shannon's father. Hurley has a connection to Locke in that after he won the lottery, he owned the box company where Locke worked. Those are only a few of the connections that I can draw off the top of my head. I'm sure more will be revealed as we learn from other flashbacks.

Another thing I picked up on in this episode, and I may be digging waaaaaayyyyyy to deep, but the name "Henry Gale" really sounded familiar to me. It must have been the fact that I just got the Wizard of OZ on DVD. Henry Gale was Dorothy's uncle. Hmmmmm...just something else to think about. Also, Henry "I'm one of them" Gale was pretty clean shaven for someone who allegedly crash landed on the island 4 months ago. Steve McCoy and I were just discussing this and he spoke about the fact that some special ops military training involves the use of fictional characters... meaning that the officer would assume the identity of the fictional character and know everything about them down to the smallest detail so that they would not slip up while being tortured/interrogated and reveal their true identity and /or purpose. Hence, this is why Henry Gale knew so much about balloons. Henry Gale from the movie is also the balloonist in OZ. Also, not that it has any relevance at this time, but I have often heard Australia referred to as "Oz." Flight 815 originated from Sydney. Maybe Australia is using this island to develop and army of super soldiers and planning a world take over...lol...alright, I'm digging too deep again.

Oooooo....Oooooooo... as I was doing some extra research for this post, I just ran across a great site which has some screen captures and other goodies. Check out The Tail Section. There is a capture of the symbols that show up when the hatch timer runs out. Looks like someone has discovered that these symbols are Egyptian hieroglyphics and when used in the way that they were on the show mean "cause to die." I still think it's all smoke and mirrors. All part of a psychological experiment to train people/soldiers to do what they are told. It's almost like classic conditioning. If you thought the world would end unless you entered a sequence of numbers and hit "execute" every 108 minutes, you would do everything you could to make sure that button was pushed. It did sound like something was going to launch, I'll give you that. The noises could have all been a part of the psych experiment to keep the trainees in line with their duty. Just another one of my crazy theories.

As far as the rest of the episode, I'm not sure what the Sawyer/Hurley frog hunt meant. Hurley stealing and devouring food from the hatch could be tied back into a past discussion of the Seven Deadly Sins. Other than that, I'm not sure of the purpose of the frog hunt. Maybe I missed something.

Next week's episode (Feb. 22) is another re-run. They will be showing the very first episode from season one (Pilot Episode). Then the following week (March 1) we get the brand new Lost "Maternity Leave" in which Claire, Kate, & Rousseau try to return to where Claire was kidnapped. Based on the promo, we get to explore another Dharma hatch. Mr. Friendly is listed as returning too.

Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Lost: "One of Them" Preview

Real quick before I get into a short preview for tonights episode, I was doing some reading and it never really occured to me that Vincent (Walt's dog) is always around when something bad happens. I just never really noticed it. I saw him come out of the brush right before Charlie attacked Sun, but never really noticed that he was around whenever their was trouble. That's just something else that we can all watch for.

Tonight, Danielle Rousseau returns to lead Sayid to a mysterious captive in the jungle. They do not know if he is one of the "others" or not, but Sayid is going to use his own powers of persuasion to find out. We will also get a little bit more on Sayid though his flashbacks. Hurley does something that could have devistating effects and Sawyer uses the info to blackmail Hurley into helping him hunt an island creature. In the preview it looked like they may let the timer in the hatch expire, but the clock looks different. They may have slipped in another dream sequence like they did that time with Jin.

The show clips are up now on AOL. Here's a link if you want to check them out:

One more thing, for those who have just joined the Lost revolution this season, you will be able to watch the very first episode of season one next week (Feb. 22, 2006). It's another damn re-run. I know they have actor and production schedules to work around, but I want more new episodes.

I'll be back tomorrow.

Thursday, February 09, 2006

Lost" "The Long Con" Airdate: Feb. 8, 2006

My apologies for being extremely late in posting this. I actually started writing it on Thursday and then got hit with that funky sinus thing that's been going around. I had to call in sick Friday and that put me behind on a few other projects. I'm feeling better. Now, back to LOST:

So...hmmmmmm... Sawyer is an evil man. His hand was well played though. Taking advantage of everyones paranoia using Kate to turn everyone against each other which ultimately put him in charge was classic. "He who controls the spice, controls the universe" - Dune. He who controls the guns, takes no sh!# from the other survivors. Sawyer made an alliance with Charlie and even conned him into doing his dirty work. However, something tells me that Sawyer is not the kind of person who works well with others. Don't expect the SawChuck relationship to last.

If I had to guess, and that is basically what I am doing... I stay away from published spoilers (at least I try to)... so if I had to predict some of the future of the show, I would say that the other Survivors will find out that it was Charlie who kidnapped/assaulted Sun. After Jin gets through with him, Charlie will be forced into exile and he will be one of the other characters to die. I have heard in talking with other LOST fans and in reading articles on the show that a few more characters will die this season. The shows producers originally said that after Shannon, no one else would die for "a while." It's a pretty widespread rumor now and less of a spoiler that Ana-Lucia will be the next to die. Reports from the set tell the tale of Michelle Rodriguez' diva-like behavior as well as her pending DUI problems in Hawaii. However, J.J. Abrams recently denied all of the rumors about Ana, but that's the first thing you do when info gets out that you don't want out yet. I bet they'll do it. Exactly how she will die is up in the air, but I have that feeling again that it will be at the hands at Kate... who is extra pissed now after getting duped by Sawyer.

Speaking of Kate, did you happen to catch Kate's mom in the diner when Sawyer was meeting with Gordy? They always try to connect each character in some way. All of the connections may come into play when we finally learn what in the hell is really going on.

A few other notable things from this episode:

1. Hurley's comment about "time."
2. Glenn Miller's "Moonlight Serenade" was playing on that radio that Sayid & Hurley hooked up.

(Borrowed From: Glenn Miller History)
"Finally, on December 15, 1944, Glenn boarded a single engine C-64 Norseman aircraft to travel to Paris, France where he was to make arrangements for a Christmas broadcast. Tragically, the plane never reached France and was never found."

3. The script that shows up very quickly in a scene is allegedly about purgatory. This may just be a jab at everyone who thinks that they are all in purgatory. The writers have said that they are not.

That's all I have for now. If I missed anything, feel free to post or send me an e-mail. Here's to the next episode.